A New Year's Assessment
"What's wrong?" he/she asked.
"Not sure," I replied. " Just thinking about life."
Something's been nagging me lately. What is it?
Family's good. Friends are delightful. I'm healthy. In shape.
Nothing I can do about my hair.
Spiritually, I'm on target. Helping out causes I believe in. That's always good.
Colorado Springs is okay. I'm not in love with the area, but that's not the reason I'm pensive. Besides, there's no such thing as a geographical cure. I can't just say I'm not happy with the area, move to another town, and expect a renewed transformation to show on my face.
So what's with the blues, Kate?
Then it hit me. I'm not really thrilled with my career. Teaching is great, don't get me wrong. I enjoy touching the future and connecting with kids. Opening their eyes up to our history and how it affects us today is thrilling. However, the job itself can be tedious, thankless and, let's face it, the pay is shit.
Before mommyhood, I achieved a great deal of success as a businesswoman in Boston. Technical writing came easy to me and I have experience writing business plans and grants. Gave it all up to stay home and play with my twin sons. When they started preschool, I needed something to do. Teaching was a compromise. It allowed me to get out of the house and, yet, continue to put family first.
However, with so many breaks and a relatively short workday, perhaps I can do a bit more.
Why not start writing again - business, grant, technical writing - to supplement my shitty pay and build a second career?
This is my new year's resolution.
Which means I must form an LLC. Which means I must come up with a name.
And this is where you can help.
Should I call myself Catherine Durkin Robinson, LLC or should I come up with a catchy name? Something easy to remember...
Let the opinions flow like a mudslide. You have my number.
I disagree on one point, moving from the heckhole that is Pasco County to Denver did turn my mood around ... much, much happier living here and it's got everything to do with the venue ...
As for your new writing gig .. hmm .. .
How 'bout, "Smart person who can translate techie stuff into English?"
or "You say 'silicon wafer,' I say, 'science thingy?'"
Or "Tech That!"
Or "Printed Circuits," or "The Pen is mightier ... " (careful with the word spacing there) ...
... and then I recalled, studies show tech companies with extra "K"s in them do well, maybe you should use lots of Ks ... is "KKK" taken :-)
On second thought, maybe just "CDR Technical Writing" ....
Mmm, tell me your secrets. I need to learn how to break into technical writing to develop another income stream. It's almost spring (sorta) and the pool's gonna demand more chlorine.
Man, Chase got all the good ones.
OilF, LLC ???
As in Oysvorf I. L. F.?
j/k :-P
I bet The Write Stuff LLC is taken...
And Chase? You also got out of an inconsistent coverage gig at the Times. That is another reason to like the move.
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