Parents Are More Important Than Teachers
I should know. I'm both.
From the Denver Post: A think tank of educators, law officers, and mental-health experts would research and test the best ways to prevent school violence under a bill announced Monday by Gov. Bill Ritter.
The School Safety Resource Center is supposed to help Colorado move into "prevention mode."
The best way to prevent school violence? Mommy and Daddy giving a sh*t about their children. That'd be a great start.
Why doesn't someone form a Resource Center that advocates for more parental responsibility? We have grown into a society of absentee breeders. Our kids spend more time with Britney, the Disney channel, MySpace friends, and daycare workers than they do with Mom and Dad.
School shootings are simply a violent symptom of a deeper disease.
We can't blame teachers for misunderstanding disturbing poetry assignments, resource officers for overlooking piercings and tattoos, or school counselors for missing the signals of an angry scowl when the kid's own parents don't care that he has a bomb-making factory in his bedroom.
Who's really responsible here?
Absolutely! I totally agree with you. The primary responsibility of raising good children lies with the parents.
I recently read a report that said that personality traits are largely set by age 4. By the time that kids get to school, teachers are dealing with already established patterns of behavior that can be difficult to modify.
It strikes me as the ultimate chutzpah to accept the gift of having a child and then failing to put your best effort into raising them.
Nope, kids these days are spending most their time being shuttled between mommy and daddy's house every other weekend. And neither house pays attention to them. Pay attention to your relationship with your spouse as well as your children.
One would think that a supporter of socialized medicine and socialized education would support socialized parenting.
It does one's heart good to see that someone who purports themselves and strongly encourages others to play in left field actually play in right field in their home stadium.
The question still remains, who's on first?
Went to a Barack Obama speech this a.m. ... wow.
I'm in.
Children and animals are products of their environments. It's all in what they learn from birth to age 5. Why bother to have them if daycare will raise them. Give up the big house, fancy car, vacations, stay home and raise your kids. JMHO
Yeah, parents think their kids want STUFF. Kids just want them, the mommy and daddy, and that's all. Just having them around is good enough. I once heard that the best gift a parent can give a child is to love the spouse. I definitely think it all starts and ends right there.
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