Sunday, January 20, 2008

Too Bad "Assbag of the Week" is Taken

Michael Savage spews vicious anti-Muslim hate speech on his national radio show.

Tell him what you think about his hate-filled rants.

Email him.

Call his radio show between 6-9PM ET: 800-449-8255

Contact his advertisers:

* USO is a non-profit organization that does not pay for its PSA's to air. Although it claims to have no control over when its advertisements air, it has refused to even request that its ads not run during the Michael Savage show.

Tell his advertisers to stop supporting such a Weiner.


At 1/20/2008, Blogger Chase Squires said...

Dang, I missed the Fat rants ... I was out running.

At 1/20/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, how brave you are to attack him through third parties. What's the matter, don't have the guts to call his show? It IS a call-in show, you know.

At 1/20/2008, Blogger kate said...

Speaking of brave, *Anonymous*.

No, I won't call his show. You can't win a pissing contest with a prick.

At 1/20/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Won't call the you're hardly one in a position to complain about anyone else's lack of guts.


At 1/20/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here I thought that all you libbies were SUCH believers in freedom of speech.....guess that only counts to you when it's speech you agree with.

At 1/20/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Muslim "yo mamma" jokes: Yo momma so... wait a minute, what does yo momma look like?

At 1/20/2008, Blogger Chase Squires said...

That Dave, thinkin' outside da box again ... and that Anonymous, thinking outside ... wait, nope, not thinkin' at all.

At 1/20/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Libs sure like to dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

Which is hardly surprising.

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess it's Kate who's the Assbag of the MONTH on this one.

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i emailed him like you asked - however, i told him i usually agree with him - not always, but usually.

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Savage says what many people feel. He must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut him up.

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good point. Why are the libbies so desperate?

Or is it that they want to shut up ALL talk radio, and they think of him as just one step in the process. They all have blood in their eyes after the Imus they figure that they can throw their weight around.

At 1/21/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Osama bin Laden says what many people feel. He must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut him up.

Vladimir Putin says what many people feel. He must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut him up.

Pope Benedict XVI says what many people feel. He must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut him up.

Jacques Chirac says what many people feel. He must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut him up.

Celine Dion says what many people feel. She must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut her up.

Flava Flav says what many people feel. He must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut him up.

Paris Hilton says what many people feel. She must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut her up.

Ziggy says what many people feel. He must be doing something right if the liberals want so desperately to shut him up.

Take home lesson: Just because you have an audience doesn't mean you have a clue.

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I've never seen libbies try to shut up Paris fact, they tend to glom upon her every word and action.

At 2/25/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I emailed his show and thanked him for telling the truth. Then I called and emailed his advertisers, thanking the ones that stuck with him.

I find is striking that no one here seems to get upset when muslims at Berkeley and other universities openly call for the overthrow of the government and murder of chirstians. (personally I think this invisible man in the sky crap is all nonsense) but it IS an interesting double standard.

At the end of the day, his right to free speech will balance theirs, whether you like it or not.


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