Too Much Time On My Hands
I love asking friends and online acquaintances for help. Most respond with such wonderful suggestions and/or smartass remarks that I am thrilled to have put myself out there. They make it all worthwhile.
This is the situation: I've been researching and taking tutorials on business writing.
Oh. Good. Lord.
I just want to shoot myself.
Doing that stuff in Boston was fun back in the late nineties, but now I'm either too old or just not interested.
So. On to Plan B.
For several years now, I've been cranking out delightful best man speeches, matron of honor speeches, corporate and political nonsense, plus a eulogy or two and people seem to respond well to what I've written.
So why not start charging them?
I asked some creative types to give me their ideas for a business name.
Here is a sampling of the responses.
Chase: Best man speeches? You mean I could've had someone help me write: "Jim, you s'um bidch, the guys an' me, we never thought you'd find any chick let you get in her pants ... good luck, y'ole bastard. Hey, what's with the cheap beer? I gotta go take a leak now..."
Then there's this.
Aaron: How about Shit Talkers, Inc.?
Me: Oh sure. That’ll get me hired.
Aaron: Got you a husband.
It's also nice to know I have options.
Beth: Can I still be your personal assistant?
Me: You won't miss teaching? In Florida? Without a bathroom break?
Michelle: Maybe you'll hire me.
Me: Yes! And we'll get an office in Boston. Added bonus - you can defend me when I get arrested.
More than a few friends sent some outstanding suggestions. Which was nice, considering I can’t pay them.
I did offer to write their eulogies. So that’s something.
An idea or two, for your consideration:
- Jugular
- Center Field Speeches
- Catherine Durkin Robinson: Speech Writer
- The Robinson Group, LLC
- Catherine Durkin Robinson, LLC
- Polished to Perfection
- Leggo Your Ego
- Off The Fence
- The Write Idea
- Rocky Mountain Speech Writers
- Toasts, Boasts, and Roasts
What do you think? Vote for one or come up with something clever so I can take it and make it my own.
Completely up to you.
Speechy keen, Speech bum (like Beach bum), maybe not. Good luck with the biz.
Out in Write Field
Left Center Write
The Write Stuff
Words R Us
Write or Wrong
and my personal favorite:
Rhymin' and Spielin'
I would give you some suggestions, but I'd have to charge you. ;)
How about-- Public Address Systems: Tampa.
Has the advantage of a known and memorable phrase(PA System) used in a novel fashion. When you append "Tampa" you get sense of place and the nifty acronym PAST. If you could find a coup of more words beginning with "I and "T" to append, you'd have an even more memorable acronym.
Massive Ego, LLC
How about "You Took the Words Right Outta My Mouth"
How about "Off In Public"? So your web banner could say this:
When it comes to speeches, NOBODY BEATS OFF IN PUBLIC!
Buck Stops Hear
Kicking Ass Til Eternity (KATE)
Tam makes an interesting suggestion, but it has too much of the taste of Meatloaf.
"I'm tryin' to speak but no matter what I do
I just can't seem to make any sound".......
I didn't realize that was a Meatloaf song. But now that you mention it, I remember that one.
Love him.
Two out of three ain't bad, and like a bat out of hell, I will be gone when the morning comes.
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