"Why is he talking in slow motion?"
Years ago, while working in Boston, I had a friend named Dan Dangler.
I know. Porn name.
Anyway, one day, Dan was talking about a game that he, his wife, and several couple friends had played the night before.

Dan said one of the questions had caused a horrific argument and they had to put the game away: If you discovered your spouse once had an affair with a member of the same sex, early in your relationship, would you contemplate divorce?
Apparently the women said, "Of course." The men said, "No, we'd ask you to invite her back."
Sounds about right.
I immediately wanted Scruples for my very own. Unfortunately, every game store in Boston said the same thing: "We got rid of Scruples because people kept returning it. Caused too many fights."
Best. Sales pitch. Ever.
I so wanted this game.
A few of our friends had similar stories about arguments and bad feelings when trying to get through a Scruples Game Night. They warned me to stick to Trivial Pursuit instead.
A year ago, Husband found the game online and bought it for me. On New Years Eve, we played Scruples for the first time with friends Aaron and Melissa.
We're still friends today.
Here's the deal - you have to play with people who are open-minded, easy-going, and tipsy. Some sample questions:
You are in a drugstore and notice a twenty dollar bill on the floor. Do you keep it? (Aaron - "Depends. Is it a small store or a big store? Security guards? Oprah Show cameras? I'll return it if I'm going to be featured on YouTube.")
Browsing in an 'adult store' at lunch hour, you witness a colleague buying a large inflatable woman. Do you mention it to co-workers? (Melissa - "Yes." (long pause) "Would I have to mention that I was in the store, too?")
Your brother is engaged to marry someone who you think is bad news. He's in love. Do you try to reason with him? (Husband - "Yes. Although my brother would probably say, 'Third time's a charm'.")
You're in charge of a stakeout for a rapist. At the risk of tipping off the rapist, do you warn women in the neighborhood of the danger? (Me - "No. We catch the son of a bitch and string him up by the balls. More wine please.")
Rapists, sex toys, and ethical issues. Good times.
We played three or four rounds and laughed so hard water came out of Melissa's nose. Twice. We learned a lot. For example, Aaron was a ladies' man before he got married and his hair fell out. He'd also help just about anyone - including a boring old man who's talking about fruit flies. Melissa would turn in an elderly woman who stole some bacon, but she would allow her kids to give away lemonade to thirsty joggers. I'd fire an ugly anchorwoman to bring in more viewers but wouldn't sell a historical building no matter how much money was offered. Husband wouldn't tell potential buyers that the neighbors were loud, but he'd go broke burying his painintheass father wherever his painintheass father wished to be buried.
What other game do you learn about your friends, how long it took for them to have sex, their thoughts regarding stale bread in a restaurant all while drinking two bottles of wine and some champagne?
Better than watching Dick Clark, people. Seriously. That dude is scary.
Who wants to play next weekend?
RE: Dick Clark (not to ignore another interesting anecdote/story from you Katie). I didn't do anything this New Years and was at home. I put on Rocking Eve just before the ball dropped... Ryan Seacrest was interviewing Carrie Underwood and some others out in the cold. Then with a minute left - they threw it back up to Dick Clark who started babbling and rambling. First time I've ever seen them blow the ball-dropping coverage that badly. I had to change channels to watch it.
As for the game - you gotta be comfortable with those around you I guess. Some of those questions are funny... but I can certainly see the conflict on the "partner having an affair with someone of the same sex" thing.
Scruples rocks! Back when I had a wife and couples friends, we played a few times. I almost think it would have helped to play it more. Screaming about problems or not talking about differences at all is much worse than discussing issues with friends after drinks.
I agree with superdave; we had a great time drinking and laughing along with some minor challenging and arguing thrown in. My kind of night.
And John - I kept going back and forth on the whole Dick Clark thing. "Gracefully surrender the things of youth" big guy...but is it good for us to see people with challenges on television? Not sure...
Ha! I remember Scruples. It used to be my go-to game when I wanted to end a friendship. I remember playing it one evening with friends and some argument broke out about some issue and, in a fit of pique (and after deciding that burning the game would take too long) the host grabbed all the cards and hurled them off her deck into the forest behind her house.
Now, the rest is apocryphal, but according to the host, she felt bad about her actions and tried to find the game the next day. All she ever found was one of the judgment cards, pitchfork side up, in the middle of her yard.
If true, that shit's creepier than Ouija.
Kate: I switched right after the ball had dropped and they had dick clark on talking. I didn't feel uncomfortable or scared. I felt kind bad for him, but then thought about what a brave person he is to come on television and have the courage to face his fans with his challenges. He has a lot of courage. I imagine it must be very difficult for him. I miss the old dick clark yes, but I don't mind watching the current one. I hope he continues to get better.
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