Sunday, February 17, 2008

And I'm Not Sorry

"I'm not your b*tch, don't hang your sh*t on me."

My posts in another venue have incited a few comments that are in keeping with a certain theme I've heard elsewhere from time to time. I thought I'd address said theme here once and for all.

I do not think I'm better than you.

There. I said it.

In fact, I'm not nearly as wonderful as *I* can be. So I certainly can't compare myself to anyone else.

But I am wonderful, to a certain extent, and when others read or hear an opinionated, confident, and strong-willed woman rant about a topic with passion and wit, well, they go apesh*t. Then they put all their own hang-ups on me, or try to. And I'm getting sick of it.

Certain people, especially other women, can't handle alternative points of view from someone who won't be bent to their way of thinking. They can't attack the topic at hand or facts presented, so they go after the person. Small minds and all.

"You're acting superior, high and mighty, holier than thou. You think you're better than me," they whine.

Give me a break.

I will admit this - my longtime readers, friends, and family are tough cookies. I don't attract weaklings. Most of you are secure and therefore not threatened by anyone.

The rest should take a long look in the mirror and recognize all that is brilliant and hot in the reflection. Then you won't begrudge others what you so desperately and transparently want for yourself.

I am bookending this post with two quotes that sum up any reaction to your insecure and petty remarks. Take yer pick.

And then learn to love yourself. No matter how difficult.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."


At 2/17/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Do now harm with your words.
Don't take anything personally.
Always try your best.
And I forget the other, but I'm too much of an @ssbag to look it up.

At 2/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because someone has three degrees, including a Masters, and is a Christian and a Republican, doesn't mean they have a lick of common sense or decency.

Personal attacks are simply lazy.

Argue the point: cool.
Attack the person: not cool.

All of us decent, common sense driven, cool peeps love a good argument and certainly love varying points of view.

"God Bless America" has nothing to do with any of those things.

It makes me "happy" to know that someone is actually asking the questions and pushing the envelope toward learning/understanding.


At 2/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natalie must be in Egypt on a big river.

Long time readers of OILF know that personal attacks are par for the daily course of discourse.

It's pithy.

Assbags, suck-it's, accusations of homophobia, bigotry, racism, political intolerance, ignorance and hypocrites are a few that come to mind.

The angst that is ever so present among OILF posters over “anonymous” posters is humorous.

Kate is nothing if not a clever person who presents herself as the smartest person in the room.

I visualize a flick of the wrist and a dismissive “off with their heads” air.

Let us all eat cake, anonymous as they come.

At 2/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lunar note:

89% full

At 2/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone with a lick of security would not feel threatened nor would they feel inferior by thoughts/attacks whatever...written by Katie or anyone else. Hey if you dont like it then leave.
No one can make you feel one can make you feel one can make you feel anything...that is your choice.
Smart women scare the crap out of most people...strong opinions scare them even more...confrontation...most people would rather stick their head in the sand!
2 words...grow up!!!!!!

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We sadistic types love masochists.

It may be indicative of the pompous nature of posters of defense that anyone who would dare make disparaging remarks toward OILF be labeled as “threatened”. Perhaps this may be a bit of Freudian projection. A sort of projection dysfunction, one might say.

It seems the name of the game on this site is who can demonstrate the best grandiloquent style of writing.

Another two words: Mature on.

69 xo's - anon

At 2/18/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Perfect relationship between a sadist and a masochist:

Masochist says, "Beat Me!"

Sadist says, "Noooooo".

And, does someone have cake? I love cake.

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It seems the name of the game on this site is who can demonstrate the best grandiloquent style of writing."

If that is the name of the game then you lose!!!!

I love it when people try to use psychological terms and then fail miserably...cracks me up!! Go back to school!


At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're as "opinionated, confident, and strong-willed" as you claim, and you think your blog "do(es)n't attract weaklings," then "And I'm getting sick of it" is a non sequitur. It doesn't matter if you're getting sick of it or not, your writing style invites it, so it's what you're going to fucking get. Who gives a shit what the hell you're sick of having hung on you, or even if it's happening at all. Deal with it.

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my...someone seems a tad pissed off!!
Where is the cake??

At 2/18/2008, Blogger kate said...

Or, as Frank Zappa said, "Are you hung up?"

5:52 - If the personal attacks are funny, you go girl. Unfortunately for you, you're never quite that funny.

I just love Dalia. My girl is wicked smart.

8:12 - Really? Is life that rough for you?

My writing attracts the unintelligent and sad sack, sure. But only for a little while. (That's why I said "longtime" genius.) Pretty soon you'll go the way of rw, rich, and the rest of the angry neocons who couldn't stand the heat so they got the f*ck out of my kitchen. The voters are leaving too, sunshine. Aren't you noticing that the angry rhetoric is leaving you all alone in mommy's basement?

That's okay, too. We'll take 'em. Come November. We'll take 'em all.

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

69 is a hell of a lot more fun than 100

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way too much food for the troll. Skinny Bitch aint workin'.

At 2/18/2008, Blogger kate said...

Such anger and hatred in the anonymous world. So sad. least I'm a skinny c*nt.


At 2/18/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

This thread delivers!

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still say "grandiloquent" is the word for the day.

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is another observation.

dalia is so into beating her foe, she interpreted the "69 xo's" as simply a "one up-manship ploy", so she counters with a higher number to maintain her higher position.

The number "69" was chosen simply as a "sex number", not as a power play.

This conjecture also substantiates one's theory that the "defenders of the blog" do perceive others as attacking instead of mocking.

But I will go back to school tomorrow after I get my new lunch box.

At 2/18/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Grand Elephant? What's a grand elephant?

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm...excuse me...I knew EXACTLY what you meant by "69" I just refer to not lower myself to your level. My intelligence and position clearly supercedes yours. You may lay on the pond scum where you belong!!!

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting that your intelligence and position supercedes me, but I am not sure how you refer yourself.

Just looking up to you.

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes...well you try typing while 3 children are stuck inside on a rainy day during feb break..sometimes a letter gets dropped. Use your mighty intelligence to figure it out.
karma will all come back to you!

At 2/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

should have stayed with the 69 and you wouldn't have 3.

Rainy days and Mondays.....

At 2/18/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

One of these just has to be anon6:69. Where ya been, lover? Take off yer pants and come back to bed.

At 2/18/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

I like 68. Check out your Urban Dictionary if you don't already know.

At 2/19/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was that devil's food cake?

At 2/19/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hill and Bill ?

At 2/19/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 1:29 has a point

Hill out on the stump, slicing and dicing.

Bill huffing and puffing.

Hill with the flick of the wrist.

Bill with the point of the finger.


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