Annie - Come Out of the Closet
Seriously, she is one of the most miserable people out there - spewing self-hatred disguised as conservative doctrine.
Is she threatening to support Hillary in the hopes that Republicans will nominate Mitt? Or does Ann Coulter simply want Democrats re-thinking their support of a woman "more conservative" than John McCain?
I can't think of a single candidate, on the right or the left, that would openly welcome her support.
She is right about one thing, though. (No, Massachusetts isn't anything like North Korea.) Republicans *would* vote for Josef Stalin if he had an "R" next to his name.
h/t Susan
Wow. Just wow. There's so much to say, but I can't find the words.
Thanks for this. I'm passing it around.
Oh, it's just silly old Ann being Ann. Take her as the brilliant social satire I've come to believe she is, have a good laugh and don't lose any sleep over her.
Um, yeah. Ann Coulter. *sigh*
I am a Conservative much more than I am a Republican. Truth be told, I fall more in line with the beliefs of the Constitution Party than that of the Republican Party.
Having said that, allow me to say this: I agree with the general concept of many of Ann Coulter's ideas. However, I can't stand to hear the woman speak. She grates on my nerves like nobody's business. The arrogance and condescension that virtually drips from her voice absolutely disgusts me.
At least she won't garnish your paycheck if you don't go along with what Coulter says. Not so with Hillary.....
"Republicans *would* vote for Josef Stalin if he had an "R" next to his name."
Accusing Republicans, or anyone else of this country, on either side of the spectrum, of supporting a mass murderer is simple bullshit. It adds nothing to the political discourse but hatred.
Must be the condescending, arrogant nature of a woman who assumes that her self assessed feelings of superiority gives license to spew vitriol and castigation against the world which then legitimizes her sense of being a victim and un-integrated feeling of self worth.
No, not Hillary, not Ann, it is Kate.
Hey, that just isn't nice. I'm sure most Republicans are like most dems, just want the country to function well. Ann Coulter is a gay-bashing witch. I really have no room for that, and to me it is unacceptable for any party to practice discrimination. The Reps do that, so they are unacceptable to me. Not to Ann, she pushes that agenda. If I were gay, I'd certainly think of Ann Coulter as like Stalin, sorry I would.
it is amazing how one's politial stance becomes the rationalization for whether what one says is acceptable or not acceptable.
why not discuss pros and cons on the merit of the substance instead of filering one's opinon by democrat, republican, liberal, conservative position
f'n hypocrites and assbags all
why not discuss pros and cons on the merit of the substance instead of filering one's opinon by democrat, republican, liberal, conservative position
As soon as Ann offers something of substance other than calling John Edwards a faggot, 9/11 widows harpies, and opining, with impeccable delivery completely immune to irony, that women shouldn't vote then I'll be more than happy to discuss the "merit" of her views. Until then, she and her ilk (Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Al Franken, Sean Hannity, etc.) are simply shit stirrer who are riding the media gravy train of ratings and sensationalism over cogent political commentary, nothing more.
Whatever you may think of Coulter, positive or negative, she hardly advocates, much less carries out, the mass murder of millions of our own citizens in gulags. So please spare us the faux outrage at how she (or any other American) is so allegedly close to Joseph Stalin.
If you don't believe that Ann Coulter would at least stand for the murder of millions of gays I believe you are naive. She would you know, that's what she'd do, she's not nice, why doesn't she have a job that ends with, "Would you like fries with that?"
Yeah, right. Keep living in that land of delusion where you believe your own propaganda. Let us know how that works out for you.
Ann Coulter would at least stand for the murder of millions of gays
I'm not completely sure that's true. From what I understand, Ann's brother, whom she's very close to, is gay. None of her rhetoric is specifically anti-gay, and I do believe you can call someone a faggot without being explicitly homophobic or anti-homosexual. Further, she's been spotted running around in West Hollywood with packs of men who, if they aren't gay, are missing out on something they'd be very good at. It was sort of a scandal when she was noticed, with angry homosexuals wandering up to her at dinner and asking if she wanted a little freshly ground self-righteous indignation with her salad.
Frankly, the only thing I found shocking about the incident was that Ann Coulter was in a restaurant actually eating food. I had thought she existed on a diet of Nice and Easy #104: Natural Honey Blonde and the threads scavenged from old black cocktail dresses. Guess I was wrong.
Ann talks a lot of shit. A lot. But when it comes right down to it, again, I think it's mostly just talk. While she might campaign for Clinton over McCain, to accuse her of sanctioning mass murder is sort of straying into the same loopy fringe she herself tries to speak from.
Now THERE'S an intelligent response.
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