'Cause the Humane Society Ain't PETA
But I'm sure there's some way to blow this off as one-sided propaganda. And still feel good about that sirloin.
Demand the USDA take downed, or sick and injured animals, out of our food supply. Too many people are consuming and falling ill themselves from such meat.
That's a downer, indeed.
h/t Becky
Unfortunately, I didn't read your previous blog in time to respond, so I'm going to respond on this one. Let's start off with voting for the war. That was long ago and far away. H wasn't the only Democrat to vote yes. There were many others including the biggest wus of all, John Kerry, who forgot his heritage of Vietnam. And, at the time, many Americans, including Senators, believed that the President didn't lie and was held to a higher standard. (Look at Powell--a supposed hero.)
Next, we cannot know how B.O. would have voted had he been a Senator at the time. Many Dems spoke out against the invasion, yet still voted for it. Let us not pillory H as the only one who did what she did at the time that she did it.
Next, H will have B as a surrogate Pres. Not so! She was her own person as a Senator, and I feel that moment she becomes Pres. she is the type of person who will do her thing and not his. She is using B at his best right now--a campaigner. He did win the office twice, you know and we did have much better living conditions during his terms.
Lastly, I very much like B.O. He is a great inspirer. But, what is his real substance. He hasn't been around long enough to leave real tracks. H has. And B.O. said many weeks ago in an unguarded moment, that he leaves the details to his staff while he looks at the big picture. Well, inspiration is fine, but now and for the next decade we need perspiration. H has a proven track record, especially reaching out to adversaries.
And, lastly, her persona. A guy by the name of Lance Armstrong is regarded by many as a real bastard who uses people. Well, he won 7 Tours and has done one helluva job to promote cancer cure. So, do we judge him on his persona or his accomplishments? Let's give H the same due, I don't care how cold a personality she exhibits. And, if you really want to make comparisons, check out Golda Meir's resume.
Hmm, that's a new charge, but brilliantly circuitous.
"If you don't vote for Hillary, you support Mad Cow Disease and Prions!"
private interprise taking on obesity?
no fat people allowed in eatin' places no more!
oops - e before i
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