Sunday, February 03, 2008

Flood Hillary With Health Care Questions

Or questions about a timetable for getting troups out of Iraq.

Or something of substance.


At 2/03/2008, Blogger MitchRobinsonAces said...

I cannot believe that you would ask of us, not what Hillary can do for us, but what we can do for Hillary. Substantive questions usually do not have references to body parts or words with stars in the middle of them. I have noticed that many of your pithy writings do have both of the former. Therefore, in my humble opinion, your asking for something substantive is like asking our Attorney General to give a straight answer about waterboarding.

Here's a real substantive question:

Do you and the rest of the flaming liberals honestly feel that anyone, including B.O., can actually change Washington? That would mean an overhaul of the Supreme Court, an overwhelming majority in the House of Representatives, an overwhelming majority in the Senate and ridding the city of all special interest groups. If B.O. can do that, then I'm all for him.

At 2/03/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much of our paycheck will Hillary "garnish" if you don't want to toe her health care line?


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