Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fun Conversations With Eight Year-Olds - Ongoing

Every Jewish parent dreads the day the Holocaust comes up. However, I have to say, our first go at it wasn't so bad.

Me: What did you learn about in Hebrew School today?

Oldest: A lot. We learned about concentration camps.

Me: Oh? What about them?

Oldest: They put Jewish people in camps. We also learned about Anne Frank.

Me: What about her?

Oldest: She had very special diarrhea.

(long pause)

Me: I did not know that.

Oldest: She wrote about her life in a concentration camp.

Me: Oh. She wrote about that in a *diary* sweetie. Not diarrhea.

Oldest: Right. A diary. I knew that.

Me: Of course you did.


At 2/20/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Oh, that's rich! I visited a friend in Belgium two years ago, and ventured to Amsterdam. The thing that struck me about Anne Frank's house is that it was right in the middle of a block that had, like, four huge churches on it, including, about two blocks away, a cathedral. I was ashamed of my Christian forebears that could allow that unspeakable evil to exist. I was ashamed that in the middle of all those churches, there was no sanctuary for a loving, caring, optimistic little girl. God help us all to vigilant so this never happens again.

At 2/20/2008, Blogger kate said...

I dunno, I used to think the citizens of those towns surrounding the camps were as bad as Nazis themselves. After a while though, I began to see them as normal everyday people who were either too scared or didn't care.

People a lot like everyone everywhere.

Which of course makes it more frightening.

Could happen tomorrow. And I could count on one hand the people who'd help us. And still have fingers left over.

Sad but true.

At 2/21/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

The real question would you be a finger to someone else? I'd like to think I would, I hope I would, but I'd need strength. If someone needs me, I'd like to be able to give them the finger (pun intended, but sentiment real.)

At 2/21/2008, Blogger kate said...

No one knows for sure. We'd like to think we would behave heroically, but until it comes right down to it - we just don't know how we'd handle it.

Sorta like if you came upon a mugging.

Or a Ron Paul supporter.

At 2/21/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Yeah right, I wouldn't worry too much about an ailing Ron Paul supporter, He'll already be firing his rocket launcher (if the governmnent can have, so can I) by the time you get there.


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