I’m Not Easily Manipulated. Are You?
The GOP must think Jews are a bunch of uneducated, easily-led mouthbreathers. Like conservative constituents or something.
But we’re not. So enough with the whole “Barack is no friend of Israel” nonsense.
Hey, Republicans - You’re losing ground and a black man is about to run the country.
Handle it. Or drop off the face of the earth.
Whichever you’d prefer.
"Although attention has been focused on McCain's problems with the GOP base, there are indications that some Democrats might defect if Obama is the party's nominee. Overall, 20% of white Democratic voters say they would vote for McCain if Obama is the Democratic nominee. That is twice the percentage of white Democrats who say they would support McCain in a Clinton-McCain matchup."
mcain will win 62-38
A liberal walked into the local welfare office, marched straight up to the counter and said, "Hi, I'm tired of handouts, I want a job."
The man behind the counter replied, "Your timing is amazing. We've just got a listing from a very wealthy man who wants a chauffeur/bodyguard for his nympho daughter. You'll have to drive around in a big white Mercedes, but the suits, shirts, and ties are provided. Because of the long hours of this job, meals will also be provided and you will also be required to escort the young lady on her overseas holidays. The salary package is $200,000 a year."
The liberal said, "Ah c'mon, you're bullshitting me!"
The man behind the counter said, "Well, you started it!"
Now come on, you gotta admit the joke was pretty darn funny!
Republicans don't think your easily led "mouthbreathers", but most of you are "kool-aid" drinkers though.
Also its not Republicans putting any mis-truths out about Sen.Barack,it's your own party doing it, ask the Clinton campaign..OK? Get it.
Another thing, Liberal need to stop trying to paint Republicans and/or conservatives as racist,that's not going to work anymore . Besides I do believe that the first women or minority President will be a "Republican".
Liberals keep this election free of the RACE card OK......it doesnt belong here in this campaign.
San Diego, California
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