Thursday, February 28, 2008

Laura Hagan Gets Her Baby Back

Municipal Court Judge Mike Graber gave in to whacko dog owners, their mean-spirited nonsense and death threats and is allowing an attack dog to go home with his owner as long as she follows some rules.

To hell with the neighborhood children.

"I'm trying to balance your rights and interests as well as the needs of the community," Graber told Laura Hagan. "If you don't do these things, it would be very serious."

I’ll say. A person could die next time. That’d be pretty g*ddamn serious.

To everyone but Laura Hagan, her supporters, and Mike Graber.


At 2/28/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please. At the trial, defense called to the stand an Arvada firefighter, David Long, and paramedic, Kelley Cowan, who both responded to the scene of the incident and examined Hardin's injuries. Both said there were no puncture wounds or blood.
And Hardin's "injury" took 9 months of physical therapy? Do you label money-grubbing litigious people as whackos as well? Look, I have children and dogs, but lets call a spade a spade. I certainly value my children over my dogs, but there is no way I would allow some hysterical woman to have my dog euthanized because of something like this.

Yes, we get it, you are not an animal lover. But can you not empathize with any scenario that might not be in your realm of experience. That's a little close- minded for a teacher as well as a parent.
And truly, a woman your age using words like "assbag"? If you've had some education, implement it. There are plenty of highly descriptive words to convey distaste for someone or something without resorting to vulgarity.

At 2/29/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Man Bites Dog, now there's a story

At 2/29/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes! I'm all for animal rights... it's the humans I don't agree with.
I doubt Laura learned a thing. I feel bad for her dog... the pooch should go to a new guardian (aka, owner).

At 3/01/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I grew up next door to a violent dog and for years was scared to go outside. I remember one winter I was outside playing by myself and the dog got out; I still remember that heart-stopping fear. I couldn't move, was afraid to scream for help. No, I don't have a dog, so I can't see it from the owner's point of view, but I know the fear of living near a dangerous animal. When that dog was finally put down, you couldn't believe the neighborhood relief. I truly believe Rolo (I think that's his name) will bite again and then all hell really will break loose.

At 3/01/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, no puncture wounds or blood. Ok, then, let the dog off the hook as well as the owner. Hey, anon, if your kid/self/spouse was bit, in a similar way, would you look yourself or your child in the eye and say, "..but, sweetie, no puncture wounds or blood, so it's allright. Poor doggie!!??" Right.

At 3/02/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justme- enlighten me here-If there's no puncture wound or blood- how does it constitute a bite? The medical personnel that examined the so-called victim said it was a SCRATCH. She had no wound, no bruising, no broken skin or broken bones. And yes, if there was no harm done, I would not be screaming "lawsuit" like this woman did.
And a hefty fine, months of incarceration for the dog, huge legal bills, mandatory training for the dog, secure fencing--I would hardly call that "let off the hook."

At 3/03/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous, that is not what the paramedics said. They said abrasions, redness and the beginning of bruising. Nobody ever said scratches. Well, except for the defense attorney but none of the witnesses said scratches. Also, there has been no lawsuit filed by the victim so where are the "hefty" amounts you are talking about. Hefty is not $700 that the victim has received. Why don't you tell the truth?

At 3/04/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, sorry. I should have said "fees" instead of "fines". In addition to her fine, I imagine 6 months of boarding her dog, as well as lawyer's fees can be hefty. Not to mention the amount her homeowner's insurance will be raised. I realize she's had donations, but I don't think she's made money off of this.

And "a slight abrasion with the beginning of bruising"--uh..wouldn't that be the definition of a scratch?

At 3/04/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why mix words on this, scratch, abrasion, brusing, etc, blah blah blah. The jury convicted. Convicted means guilty. I doubt homeowner's insurance will be increased since Ms. Hagan no longer lives in her house, she's moved in with some other person. That person should make sure he/she has adequate insurance.


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