Saturday, February 09, 2008

Note to Hillary - Please Remove Chelsea From Your Breast

MSNBC's David Shuster suggested the Clinton campaign had "pimped out" Chelsea by having her place phone calls to celebrities and superdelegates. Hillary blew a few brain cells at the notion that her darling little hedgefund manager could be compared to a 'ho.

Hillary then threatened to never appear on the network or in their debates again. Which is just pathetic - on several levels.

Then MSNBC wraps up Shuster's balls and holds them hostage, making him appear almost as ridiculous as the Clintons.

Really, Hill? Aren't we just inventing sh*t to be upset about now?

David Shuster might be a douche. There's certainly nothing wrong with a grown woman campaigning on behalf of her mother.

But, if you're going to put your daughter out there - don't pitch a fit when someone criticizes her or you for it.

Jesus, ladies at The View made fun of her and nobody forced Whoopi to foam the next day about how "we all love Chelsea Clinton."

Give me a break, Clintons. Cut the apron strings and focus on something important.

Chelsea's a big girl now.


At 2/09/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 2/09/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG did John McCain really say that?

At 2/10/2008, Blogger Robert Rouse said...

Catherine, I said the same thing - basically. For heaven's sake, Chelsea's gonna be 28 this month!

At 2/10/2008, Blogger kate said...

John McCain was making a bad joke. Or a funny joke. Depending on the prevailing mood.

I don't think Hill should boycott Johnny. But what he said was arguably worse than the pundit. And so let's be consistent.

Or better yet - grow a sack.

That is all.


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