Super Something
I know - we're not really voting today. But "I Caucused" sounds rather vulgar and we all know I'm not about being vulgar.
I wasn't supposed to post until tomorrow, but aren't you glad the hotel clerk here in Denver said I could use *his* computer? For free?
Never fear, I'm going to get back to The Springs in plenty of time to caucus for Barack Obama tonight.
Do your part, local peeps.
And may the best man, or woman, win.
Go, team, go! Hurray, whoever's got the best chance to beat whichever Republican it is in the general election!
That could not be you. It's way to sexy.
Sorry, the "to" should be "too", but in addition, I can't believe you're for Obama, especially after I emailed you that Krugman article in the Times. And, in addition, Obabma attracts young people and you're not young
Geez, way to get really personal about it, "robinski."
Hey, I did my part, I caucused! My fun had by all.
Say, you know those little stickers? I've always thought it would be fun to make ones that look just like it, but they'd say, "I Farted" ...
Is that 8th Grade or what? But still, it'd be funny.
I didn't vote,(I'm an independent in a state with closed primaries) I didn't caucus, but I did fart. Sorry, it's this veggie diet.
Well. The caucus itself gave me gas so I can't blame it on a veggie diet.
But more on that later.
Did the hotel clerk take that picture?
I eat Anonymous.
You should be so lucky.
Tastes like chicken.
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