Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The 4th Annual Shamrock Shillelagh Clam Chowder Marching Society Democratic Fundraiser

God help me if they serve green beer...

All are cordially invited to be a part of the 4th Annual St. Patrick's Day fundraiser for the El Paso County Democratic Party to be held in the Patty Jewett Golf Course Banquet Room, 900 East Espanola, on March 15, 2008 from 7:00 to 9:30 pm.

Speaker of the Colorado House Andrew Romanoff will be the keynote speaker. Joining Representative Romanoff at the podium will be the St. Patrick's Day Parade Grand Marshal, Jim Lyons. Lyons was President Clinton's special envoy to Ireland.

Tickets--$60.00 per person--may be purchased at the door, but space is limited. To be safe, order your tickets online today.

All proceeds will benefit the El Paso County Democratic Party office operations (upon which there has been a great demand this year).

Pass the Guinness!


At 3/12/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is message to Keith Olbermann,

You *used* to be my nightly news guy. My 12 year old daughter, “Brook”, and I used to watch you faithfully. We recorded you on our DVR. But you turned on us, Keith, with your partiality towards Obama and hostility towards all things Clinton. MSNBC went full tilt in the sexist direction and as a result, we removed you from the DVR and we don’t watch your channel at all anymore. I want her to believe that there are no limits to what she can do and MSNBC undermines my parental encouragment.

Now I understand you are going to do a self-righteous comment tonight, highlighting the illusory offensive racism of the Clinton campaign. No doubt you will sprinkle your 3 minute hate with pictures of slaves and sharecroppers and shame us all into remembering how bad african-americans had it and have it. And all of this is very true. They *do* have it worse off than we privileged white people. No one is going to argue with that. But if you think you can paint Geraldine Ferraro as a racist because of an unfortunate proximity of the word “lucky” to the word “black” or paint the Clintons, who are life long advocates of healing the racial divide as being latent Klan members, you will find out that it will backfire in the most spectacular way.

Because here’s the truth of the matter, Keith: Woman is the ni**er of the world. And every time you and Tweety and Obama and David Axelrod go off on the Clinton campaign like this without curbing your own speech and body language, you reinforce that message. And whenever Kerry or Kennedy or Dean don’t stand up and demand respect for Hillary from you and condemn the words that flow out of your mouths when Tweety refers to her as ‘babe’ and Obama tells everyone that she gets angry at him when she’s feeling emotional, you reinforce that message. And any time Howard Fineman or Jonathan Alter or Eugene Robinson appear on Countdown with you to say how it’s urgent for the sake of the party that Hillary drop out of the race in spite of the fact that she has *earned* more votes in more crucial states than Barry ever has or will, you reinforce that message.

So, go ahead, Keith, make my day. If you still plan on having your special comment tonight where you drag Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro through the mud and expose them to shame and ridicule, I will have Brook sitting with me to watch you one last time. And I will carefully explain to her why men in power are never to be trusted to consider anyone but themselves. And that with this special comment, you are not sticking up for the african-americans out there who have nothing to fear from Clinton. You are sticking up for your *own*- the guys. And that the battle for equity had only reached the end of the beginning when I was in college. And that now it’s her battle to fight. And YOU are the enemy.

Sincerely and with all my heart,


At 3/12/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you posted that here because???????

At 3/12/2008, Blogger Chase Squires said...

did you spell your daughter's "name" wrong? Shouldn't that be "Brooke?" Unless she's named after a waterway ...


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