Apparently Everyone Is Doing It

Which is more embarrassing - to admit to an affair or that you did it at a Days Inn?
At least this time, the wife got some action and no laws were broken. But what's wrong with this country that such a confession is even necessary?
Why do people care?
This has to be some sort of record for a infidelity admission.
Next time, just bury the confession into the oath of office.
Why do people care?
Because it reflects on a leader's ability to keep a promise...or, more, on his/her inability. It goes to integrity. It goes to character.
Which is what all of you liberals and democrats missed about the Clinton thing (which was worse - he committed PERJURY, which was not only an offensive lie, but a CRIME. And you can't excuse it because "it's only about sex).
"Because it reflects on a leader's ability to keep a promise...or, more, on his/her inability. It goes to integrity. It goes to character."
All evidence (such a pesky thing) to the contrary: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Eisenhower, Roosevelt (both of them), Kennedy, King, etc.
Nice try. But you're wrong. The only thing it proves is maybe he's a bad husband.
But continue to spout nonsense without an ounce of historical perspective.
Or smarten up and go back to history class.
Whichever you'd prefer.
Which is what all of you liberals and democrats missed about the Clinton thing
In counterpoint, what the Right seems to forget about "the Clinton thing" is that in 1994, Ken Starr was brought in to investigate Whitewater. Apparently though, he could find nothing to prosecute Clinton on regarding that because by the time he released his report in 1998, it was all about perjury regarding an extra-marital affair.
If we can't catch him in a mistake, let's hound him until he makes one. All it'll cost is the spirit of our judicial system.
Hey, lying about an affair is better than lying so you can attack a sovereign country killing a million innocent people and stealing all the resources. It's Stalin all over, one BJ is a tragedy, a million dead is a statistic.
Oh, yeah, family values, I forgot... BMA!
Oh, and aint nothing wrong with the Days Inn! I use to use some Red Roof Inn in Hotlanta (this was before I got married, but I reckon that's a sin too!) Shoot and what the room looks like wouldn't matter to Patterson anyhow, just saying.
Oooo. Must be hitting a lot of nerves with that one. IMMEDIATELY you resort to the personal attack instead of discussing the issues. Wow. Not very impressive.
Man, you liberals and democrats have this.....well, FANATICISM about defending Clinton that is just appalling. It's like the cult of personality that surrounds Kim Chong-Il in Korea, written a bit more small. You folks are SCARY sometimes......I wonder if you'd prefer to have Slick Willie as King Clinton the First.
It proves he is more than just a "bad husband." It proves that he is willing to break the law to lie to the American public.
Funny how one of you defends Willie for just lying, but the other attacks President Bush for allegedly lying. Bit of a double standard there, wouldn't you say?
Or is it that you just can't stand the truth when it slaps you in the face?
(FDR was a democrat....maybe YOU should go back to history class).
I didn't attack you personally at all, quit being so sensitive.
And of course, FDR was a Dem. So was Kennedy. Eisenhower and Teddy were Republicans.
Their political affiliations have nothing to do with infedelity.
So calm yourself.
I simply gave several examples of great leaders who had a weakness for the ladies. Proves nothing about their ability to govern.
Point made. Thanks for playing.
Suggesting that I need to go back to school isn't a personal attack? Not to mention the "spout nonsense" comment.....
Yeah, right. Sure. Whatever.
And today we have a perfect example: Obama admitting that he lied about hearing/not hearing what his own Pastor said about how horrible America supposedly was. But we have all sorts of liberals and democrats telling us we're not supposed to pay any attention to this set of ies....from a man who ran on his character and judgment. We're supposed to ignore that he's acting just like Slick Willie in his quest for power.
Sure. Right. Whatever.
And then you wonder why so many people figure that liberals and democrats can't be trusted with political power.
If a conservative does something wrong, it's "hypocritical."
If a liberal does something wrong, well, it's as Kate says: "who cares".
Now, I know it's going to be hot time in the old town tonight. Where is my fiddle?
I dunno, I gotta side on the folks who see cheating as something bad ... I can't see cheating on your spouse as ever being okay.
As for the lying thing, I don't see why politicians should get a pass for lying about stuff, whether it's to an investigator about sex or to the nation about a war ... lying isn't good in either case.
If the marriage isn't working, stop being married, be up front about it ... then, go to town, no worries. But exposing a partner who trusts you to STDs and stuff, hardly seems fair.
Nobody's defending infidelity. It's bad, fine. But how is it our business?
why would anything be out business?
All politicians lie. Time makes them look better. Joseph Ellis, an historian (a historian?) who wrote Founding Brothers, American Sphinx and a number of other books about early American leaders compares Thomas Jefferson, for better and for worse, to Bill Clinton: they both take liberties with the truth, they both believed their lies, and they were both very effective leaders. Can't remember where I picked up this bit of irony (Parade magazine?), but evidently, George Washington was honest, but the story about the Cherry Tree was put together to convey his integrity, and was a lie.
Gotcha is part of the game, but don't take the game too seriously. Jimmy Carter was a very moral man. Does anyone really believe he was a great president?
Well, it may sound okay to say, "it's not our business" because politicians are entitled to a private life, it's simply not the case.
Politicians make themselves public figures. The job comes with perks: they get to set the agenda and conduct the nation's business. The cost: we expect more from them, we expect them to set the example, and we expect that their lives are public.
If the CEO of Coke cheats, well, it's not my business. But a politician agrees tacitly to live to a different standard. It's just that way.
But Chase, what bothers me about this argument is that it makes no sense.
Historically, there's no evidence to suggest that infidelity is an indication of ANYTHING. We've had numerous presidents who dallied and they were exceptional leaders. Did a great amount of good for the world.
I'm not saying it's not wrong - just that it's between them, their spouse, and God. No one else. Cause it doesn't f*cking matter.
So the fact that our leaders are supposed to be role models for our children, among other things, doesn't bother you a bit.
Neat. I'll just go tell your kids that you've f*cked around on your husband multiple times. I'm sure that won't affect their development one bit.
After all, "it's just sex," right?
I dunno; I'd say "multiple times" is pushing it.
Once or twice. But she and I were really drunk at the time.
Can't wait for that family talk. But at least it won't be in front of cameras and reporters.
Not until I'm on a book tour anyway.
And I never said it was "just sex" - just that it's not an indication of a bad leader.
Handle it.
And political leaders aren't my children's role models anyway. They dig King David.
Oh wait. He committed adultery too. And God loved the bejeezus out of him.
Wow. Food for thought...
"just sex" does not cost $5500 - give the guv his props on that at least
You're right. I should have said "just anal sex."
And if Kate doesn't think that political leaders are role models, whether parents like it or not, she should check to see how many teenagers figured that giving blowjobs wasn't "sex" after Slick Willy said it.
Interesting that she also likes to screw around on her husband. Have to wonder what he thinks about that. Well, she probably makes him feel pretty inadequate, anyway, so maybe it doesn't make any difference.
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