Friday, March 14, 2008

Dr. Laura is Right

Go girl.

I know plenty of women who withhold love, sex, and intimacy from their men. And so they shouldn't be surprised if their men find comfort elsewhere.

Same goes for the guys who want to focus on their careers or football rather than the hot piece of *ss lying next to them each night.

She'll get her groove on elsewhere. And she should.

Because everyone deserves to feel loved and desired.

Dr. Laura is right. And it's not just the disgraced governor who has a lesson to learn. I hope his wife, daughters, and all of us, are listening and learning from his embarrassing ordeal.

Let's not pretend we're powerless victims.

Now turn off the computer and go have some fun.


At 3/15/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

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At 3/15/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Sorry Kate,
Dr. Laura is NEVER RIGHT! She's an idiot. There is only one reason people cheat, lack of communication. It's all of our jobs to say, "Honey, I really need some nookie." And one she says, you gotta romance me, then you gotta do that romance, but communication is the problem to the answer. It's hard to talk, but it's the only way, there aint no other.

And like the dude in the middle said, "Two wrongs don't make a right." But I'll tell this now and it's a fact. Two wrongs don't make a rigth, but three lefts do. You figure that out and you are happy forever!

At 3/15/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Communication is helpful if the people involved like/love each other and want good things for each other. Communication is not helpful if that's not true.

Hypothetical husband, "Babe, I am totally stressed. Also, I feel invalid and powerless at work. It would help me if you told me that I'm powerful and if you would have sex with me".

Hypothetical wife, "Ewwww!".

HH, "I forgot something downtown, I'll be back in a few hours. Oh, and we can't afford new cabinets".


Hypothetical Wife: "I don't feel loved and validated right now. I've been waiting for you to notice as some indication that I am important to you, but you seemed to have missed clues that any woman would find obvious. I know you guys aren't all that smart, so I'm actually telling you. Please show me that you are interested. If you do, then I will feel warm to you, and we might have sex."

HH: "Excuse me? I couldn't hear you over the beer commercial".

HW: "Nothing. I bought some new cabinets. Don't worry about picking up the Victoria's Secret bill, I usually just buy stuff at the mall with your best friend, Jim, now".

It's really amazing the world stays populated.

At 3/16/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate is Right. So is Dr. Laura.

If Spitzer felt he could go home to a receptive wife he wouldn't have spent the time and effort elsewhere.

My 80+ year old mother told me she never, I repeat NEVER, denied my father when he wanted to be with her.

Why do you think they were married over 50 years and were very happy together?

Some people just don't want to accept women control sex and sometimes use it against their husbands. The act of a wife denying a husband is cruel and rejecting.

Don't make excuses for Spitzer's wife - the look on her face gives her away - she kept denying him a long time ago and knows it - so does he.

He just never would have been exposed if someone hadn't dropped a dime on him for political reasons...

At 3/16/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Anon, two things: first, congratulations on your parents. That is awesome and very unusual in this day and age. Second, your parents told you about their sex lives? It would be difficult for me to recover... (yeah, yeah, I know, if parents were more open... Still, MY EYES ARE BURNING!).

At 3/17/2008, Blogger beajerry said...

You all are assuming Spitzer's wife was frigid. How do you know she wasn't putting out or willing to put out regularly and he got bored with her and decided to not try and work on that, instead choosing to screw models?
That's exactly what "Dr." Laura assumed.
That's her whole rotten schtick: assuming things about people and making 19th century generalizations.

At 3/17/2008, Blogger kate said...

You're right, bj, we don't know about Spitzer's wife. However, I think all that Dr. Laura is trying to do - is use this opportunity to discuss what spouses (unlike her, I don't think we should simply talk about what women don't do, let's discuss what men don't do as well) could do differently to help prevent some of these problems.

I don't know about you, but I often find myself in playgroups or other gatherings with women and sometimes all they do is talk about avoiding sex with their husbands. They laugh about it, but I think it's sad. And those b*tches are the first ones to cry when their men go out and find comfort elsewhere.


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