Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dude Talked to God. Of Course He Was High.

That's what Benny Shanon of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University said about Moses' experiences on Mount Sinai.

Funny story.

I know a girl, we'll call her Katie, who was scared to try hallucinogens. Katie's mom was a psychiatric nurse and while growing up, Katie heard horrific stories about her mom's drugged-out patients.

For example, one guy thought he was an orange and peeled himself.

That was enough to keep Katie in Designated Driver mode throughout her teenage years.

Which pleased Katie's mom, I'm sure.

Finally, in college, Katie started to get curious. She didn't do blow like Barack or Georgie. Acid concocted in some criminal's bathtub? Not for Katie's precious brain cells. Ecstasy was not her bag either. And heroin was so 1976.

Instead Katie lived the motto "if it's organic, don't panic." After all, God doesn't make mistakes.

Right? Of course, right.

One night, Katie and friends picked some mushrooms, boiled them a few times and mixed the 'shroom juice with purple Kool-Aid.

As patchouli oil scented the lamps and "Tomorrow Never Knows" played on a continuous loop, Katie stayed up all night. She danced with flowers in her hair. She read a ton of PETA material and discussed animal rights with likeminded hippies. She floated in a pool filled with magenta-colored water. She had a deep and meaningful conversation with Jesus, John Lennon and Jim Morrison before a friend pulled her back to reality.

Not a bad way to spend an evening.

Katie didn't see a burning bush or transcribe ten commandments from the Almighty, but she did swear off meat and hasn't had a bite of it since.

Good times.

Where was I?

Moses. Right.

He was totally tripping.


At 3/11/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The minions of those who wonder if OILF is grounded in recognizing and calling out hypocrisy from a non-partisan position vs. simply blatant religious bitgotry are breathlessly waiting for public comment on Democratic Governor Eliot Spencer.

One would just imagine that had it been a Republican, or a Christian, there would be pithy comments abounding.

If it had been a right wing offender, one would expect comments that would create an illusion that the sexual exploits were grounded in the familial, political or religious background of the offender.

One could guess that applying these criticisims are not to be found, unlike Foley and Gingrich.

Gasping for air holding our breath.

At 3/11/2008, Blogger kate said...

Wow. A request. For an opinion.

Far be it from me to let you down.

But first a clarification - are you talking about Eliot Spitzer? And although I wouldn't compare what he did with the antics of Mark Foley, I suppose some kind of comment is in order.

Oh. And I never claimed to be non-partisan.

At 3/11/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spencer, Spitzer, Spinster whatever.

Can't wait to hear the partisan position.

The absence of defense of religious bigotry spoke volumes.

At 3/11/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is amusing how the libs, dems and outright communists who yelled, screamed, cried and raved on about Larry Craig tapping his foot outside of a bathroom stall are completely silent about the DEMOCRAT governor of New York......

At 3/11/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given your foolish political leanings, and those of liberals in general, you still haven't been pulled back into reality. Another documented reason the left should never be permitted to engage in politics or be in leadership roles.

At 3/11/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the flip side, where's all the Right leaning defenders of their parties transgressions backing up the trailer to dump their assbagloads of selective defense for poor Mr. Spitzer?


At 3/11/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The right wingers that get caught in transgressions meekly resign.


At 3/11/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The right wingers that get caught in transgressions meekly resign.



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