I Can't Remember the Last Time a Political Speech Moved Me
But this one did. In ways I can't even explain.
Which is good. Because it speaks for itself.
Take a look. And listen.
In Barack Obama we have a unique spokesman whose American experience speaks for so many who've had no true representation for far too long. At yet, he speaks for all of us.
Eloquently, I might add.
For the first time in a long time, I'm charged and inspired and intellectually stimulated. After eight gloomy years, I'm now ready for a real leader and I won't allow the idiots producing news programs to divert my attention from serious problems and complex issues.
Or the solutions that hope, thoughtful and concerned citizens, and a leader who evokes the best in all of us can bring.
So he admitted that he lied to you about what he knew about his Pastor's radical, ranting sermons, but you're inspired by the eloquence.
Oh Jesus Christ. You are not for real. I sat in Grace Church in Tampa, and enjoyed it. I thought the Pastor was good, but I did not at all agree with his/their stance on evolution. I thought it was juvenille crap. But I still went, I still enjoyed it a lot of the time. It's only when they brought in some dude that bashing Catholics and gays that said, enough. Do, I think the pastor is a good dude? I do. Do I think he's the sharpest tool in the shed? I don't? Do I like the dude they brought in to talk about Catholics/gays and evolution, hell no! And I could no longer support a church that promoted that crap.
Not even a week ago, Obama was telling us that he had not been in church when his Pastor was preaching his crap and nonsense.
Today he admits that he was.
How can you support anyone who baldly and arrogantly lies to you like that and then expects you to support him because he promises "hope" and "change?" Hope for what? That the lies won't get bigger? Change? When he's just another politician who will lie to get as much political power as he can?
Totally agree, and I've started a blog centering around it, to boot (pass it on!):
Grandmother Speech (Blog)
I was also listening to Rush at some point clearly after, and he was stammering his way through doing the best he could to discredit it. But he was a rank amateur in the effort. I like his show (obviously, disagree with his politics). But attempting to criticize that speech exposed a certain fragility to it I've never noticed before. Decades from now they'll be using clips from that particular show to demonstrate to children how close we came to fascism in this country, at one time.
I don't agree with everything *anyone* says - yet I love members of my family who've said the most god-awful things about even Jews for the love of Pete. I still go to synagogue. I still hang out with loved ones who will vote for Ron Paul.
Like Jon Stewart said, Obama talked to us like grownups. And it was a nice change of pace.
I'm sick of the gotcha game. "He's a liar!" "He's the anti-Christ."
Please. Try to be original.
Do I think he'd be a nice change of pace after the Worst President Ever? You're goddamn right I do.
Now Reverend Manning gets into the mix.
Maybe the US should have stayed out of Germany.
Funny how democrats just LOVE the "gotcha game" when they can get a Republican, but when the tables are turned, suddenly it's not so fun. Heh. Tells us a lot about the democrats, that does.
If Obama were a white man, and he belonged to a church for 20 years where the Pastor said the very same things as the Rev. Wright, just substituting "white" for "black," then he not only would have no chance as a candidate for president, he'd likely be run out of town.
Interesting double standard there.
who cares.
im tired of all of the religious nonsense in this country.
Religion-connected or not, it's pretty clear that racism is dividing the Democratic Party VERY badly during this election season. It may well destroy the party.
And don't think that the Clintons aren't partially to blame for this - they were the first ones who brought race into this mess, and disgracefully so. Of course, Obama has hardly covered himself with glory since....his speech reminded me of a cat trying to cover its mess on a tile floor. Good effort, but you can't cover up what his minister said, nor how he listened to that for 20 years.
I'm been listening to family members say god awful things about minorities and the French. For 38 years. None of it rubbed off on me. And I don't love them any less.
You know what such rhetoric taught me? Tolerance. Understanding. I'm more well-rounded and I know their arguments, however flawed, front and back. I've brought to them a certain tolerance as well. And an understanding for a different point of view.
I feel bad for people that only surround themselves with likeminded people.
Again, check your history books. Political parties have withstood worse divisions and survived. My goodness, the memory of people only goes back to Tuesday sometimes.
Plus I've been a dozen Dem events between here and Florida. We're spirited but not at each other's throats. No matter how many people wish it so.
And a cat covering his mess is frantic and all over the place. If you saw that in Obama's eloquent, dignified and inspiring talk about race, then good luck with that. I've spoken to republicans and dems alike and no one walked away with that reaction. Even the ones voting for Hillary or John McCain thought he started an important dialogue yesterday morning. I'm truly sorry for anyone who sees only nastiness everywhere they look. The world and its people are better than that.
Yep, Rev. Wright DOES "see only nastiness" everywhere he looks. Too bad. And too bad that Obama listened to him for 20 years, saying nothing. And too bad he lied about that.
He's already down significantly in the polls. The reason why is obvious to anyone who's not wearing Obama blinders.
Obama wants us to invade Pakistan (an ally) and has said that the country is not safer after 9/11, even though there hasn't been a successful terrorist attack on US soil since (and a number of them stopped before they could be carried out).
How does that make any sense? The guy doesn't have a clue how to run military affairs or foreign policy.
I can't wait to hear Obama's inaugural speech!
Don't hold your breath......look at the polls.
let's see, on the one hand words mean something, and on the other hand words (vows) don't mean anything.
some people have a high degree of rationalization, or maybe it's called compartmentalizing.
""You learn . . . even the ability to compartmentalize ethics" Ellen Goodman.
It seems quite clear that, even if Obama is not a racist himself, he has consistently for an extended period of time associated himself with racists. By his own admission, they have given him both political guidance and assistance.
I do not care for guilty by association. HOWEVER, it is of very significant concern that Obama first attempted to deny these facts, that he attempted to spin and dodge his way out from under the truth. That is not what we want in a president.
He wished to pose himself as the candidate who has transcended race as an issue, but he has spent the last 20 years listening to and seeking guidance from virulent racists. There is no way to resolve the contradiction in that situation, despite his obviously great eloquence in speaking.
And we hear today that Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico (an Hispanic) has bolted from his former friends the Clintons to endorse Obama. It seems reasonable to believe that he would do so because he has been promised the VP slot, should Obama win the nomination. This promises to be even more racially divisive, in that it would obviously result in a pitting of blacks and Hispanics against whites.
This is not good for the country.
I'm afraid that democrats generally don't have the moral courage to admit any of that, even though you're spot on. It's part of their widespread inability to recognize reality.
So now we have a choice between the Sniper Fire Liar and Mr. Listens to Racists. Wonderful.
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