Monday, March 17, 2008

"Mommy, what does s-e-x mean?"

No matter how prepared a parent is to answer such an inquiry, the Big Question still comes as a surprise.

None other brings with it so many different ways to answer with repercussions if those answers aren't adequate.

I want to be honest, but shouldn't give more information than necessary. Personal anecdotes are more than a little inappropriate, so no oversharing. Our children don't need to hear about the ways Mommy and Daddy had to practice to get it right. Just the facts.

Our children should feel safe and comfortable asking us anything; I certainly don't want them to learn more from knuckleheads at school than from knuckleheads at home. At least we don't pick our nose or get all our information from teenage siblings.

No answer should imply that their questions are dirty or bad. Yet I don't want to be flippant and act like the whole episode, while a bit awkward at times, is just one big joke.

Let's face it - who wants to be reminded in family therapy years from now that smirks and explicit answers led to sexual dysfunction. Or the priesthood.

At first, I pretended not to understand the question. Because that's enlightened.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, what are you asking?"

"What does s-e-x mean?" Youngest said, all innocent and curious.

Okay, here goes, Catherine. Try not to f*ck this up.

"It means lots of things. Tell me how it was used in a sentence."

What? Context matters.

"I heard it at school. Colin said s-e-x is a big deal."

"Well, I suppose it is a big deal. S-e-x spells sex."

"What's sex?"

"It's another word for intercourse. Sex is how mommies and daddies make babies."

I had several choices here: different tacks to take depending on the kids' age. Eight year-olds are going to get the less is more, conservative version. For all our sakes. Condoms and foreplay are another talk for another time.

"How do mommies and daddies make babies?"

Oldest made his way, slowly but surely, over to our part of the living room. Reading his mind was easy: Forget Sports Illustrated, what's Mom and Youngest talking about?

"A man has sperm in his penis and a woman has an egg deep inside her belly. The sperm and the egg meet in a special hug and then nine months later a baby is born."

Few years ago, that explanation was enough to send them satisfied and on their merry way.

Not no more.

"How do the egg and sperm meet?" Oldest asked.

"Yeah," Youngest said. "Do you find someone you like and them boom - the sperm comes out of the man all over the woman's belly?"

Sometimes. If alcohol is involved.

I had no idea when I woke up that morning that I'd be introducing terms like vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes to my children. If I had known, I would have stayed in bed and watched television instead.

"How does the penis go into the va-gi-na?"

"When a man and a woman finish graduate school and get married, they decide to have a baby. So they hug and they kiss and the penis finds its way. Sperm comes out and fertilizes the egg and a baby is born nine months later. Or seven if the mommy is carrying impatient identicals with big heads and a stubborn streak."

Long pause.

"It's a wonderful and beautiful thing," I said. "A miracle."

Please say we're done.

They both looked confused, like my students when I'm attempting to explain The Patriot Act and how in the name of God it passed Congress.

Then Youngest said,

"I get it! The mommy and daddy are naked! That's how the penis finds its way!"

I nodded my head. Less is more, Catherine. Less is more.

"Where do you make the babies?" Oldest asked.

The bed, hallway, kitchen table, best friend's exercise equipment.

"Usually in bed," I said.

"What if someone walks in while you're making a baby," Oldest said. "That'd be gross."

Well, not always, but they don't need to hear about that time at Mardi Gras...

"Typically people don't walk into other people's bedrooms at night time. For just that reason."

"Aunt Blah-Blah is having a baby," Oldest said. "Is this what happened to her?"

I pictured my Catholic sister and her husband at the next family function getting quizzed by two sexually charged nephews. They've been dealing with morning sickness and a toddler at the same time. They've been through enough.

"Sex is okay to talk about here at home with mommy and daddy, but let's not go around discussing this with others. Makes people uncomfortable. And we shouldn't discuss sex at school either. It's private talk and you all are big boys now. So let the other kids' parents decide when to tell them, okay?"

"Yeah, cause Colin still believes in Santa," Youngest said. "Let him wait until graduate school to find out what his penis does."

I've seen Colin. He'll be in his forties before he finds out what his penis does. Guaranteed.

But that's another talk for another time.


At 3/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you didn't have the moral courage to talk to them about how loving homosexual couples adopt and/or use turkey basters. Shame on you for giving them only a completely straight worldview.

At 3/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 10:37

Your answer was insensitive and contributes to sterotypical perceptions of others.

Your answer may very well contribute to Colin needing sexual identity therapy after your boys tease and taunt him if they find out he is a rump ranger.

I am shocked and outraged that you took such a narrow minded, conservative approach to sex.

At 3/17/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Ha! An anonymous comment lambasting Kate for choosing not to reveal information! Ah, internets, you've done so much for irony in our society.

At 3/17/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Well played, and very funny.

And Anon and FP, that conversation will definitely come up, and Kate will handle it with compassion and wisdom. No doubt, she'll blog it, what? Two years from now?

At 3/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will she also conceal abortion from her children for another undetermined number of years? I mean, after all, she's SO PROUD of it, it should be one of the FIRST things that children hear about when talking about sexual matters, right?

At 3/17/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Geez, for a second there, Anon, I started to treat you like an actual person. Sorry about that.

At 3/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey quackjob, it is amusing how you are so paralyzed with anons.

Read the last comment after your fuckwad redundant statement.

And don't let us down - we look forward to your brainy retort.

At 3/17/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Gosh, commenting on = paralyzed by now? Well, let me just make a note here...

As for a brainy retort...lemme see...something appropriate to the situation at hand and commensurate with the level of the opponent...

Fuck you.

Yep, that's about all you're worth.

At 3/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oohhh quacker - give me more and make it hurt.

now that we have the free sex out of the way, we can move on.

can't wait to hear how Kate explains "fuck" to her boys.

perhaps it will be something like it came from the speech impeded kid who tried to say "firetruck"

since you abhor anons so much, I stay awake some nights wondering how are you on abstract thinking.

guess you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, or maybe it's discretion is the better part of valor.

Thanks for the fuck. Hope it was as good for you as it was for me - next time maybe we can make it last a little longer. You managed a good attempt at foreplay - you just turned over too quick after you were finished.

At 3/17/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Kate, talking with kids about sex. Well, you gotta do it, and do it often! You might as well cover the bases. That way dunder heads like the ones that use really bad language in your blog won't be able to bully your kids.

Shoot, you are doing great.

At 3/17/2008, Blogger Reiza said...

My sister tried to throw artificial insemination into the sex talk with her son when he was 9 or 10. He later relayed it to me by saying that in order to have a baby, you could either have sex or the man could cut off his penis and freeze it. It took me the longest time to understand what in the hell he was saying.

On the other side, when I worked in the school system, I had a bitch of a boss. The staff couldn't stand her and the kids hated her even moreso. I once mentioned something about my boss having the day off for something with her son. One of my 4th graders asked, "She has kids? Who would want to have kids with her? I'll bet on artificial insemination."

At 3/17/2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I could have gone decades without wanting to know what you did on my exercise equipment...

Not sure I can use it anymore...

At 3/17/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of rude and inconsiderate isn't it? To use someone ELSE'S exercise equipment for that?

At 3/20/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMFAO on your conversation with the boys.

Everyone else, lighten up!!!


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