...And I'll Be Glad If It Helps Anyone Else Out, Too.
Longtime readers know I'm a Beastie Boys fan.
Seriously. Huge.
In fact, when my students react aggressively to a negative situation, after they've calmed down, and in addition to many other methods of intervention, I often have them go to a designated non-violent corner of the classroom where they're asked to interpret the following lyrics from Bodhisattva Vow, my favorite Beastie Boys song.
If Others Disrespect Me Or Give Me Flack
I'll Stop And Think Before I React
Knowing That They're Going Through Insecure Stages
I'll Take The Opportunity To Exercise Patience
I'll See It As A Chance To Help The Other Person
Nip It In The Bud Before It Can Worsen
Only Love Can Conquer Hate In Every Situation
We Need Other People In Order To Create
The Circumstances For The Learning That We're Here To Generate
Situations That Bring Up Our Deepest Fears
So We Can Work To Release Them Until They're Cleared
Therefore, It Only Makes Sense
To Thank Our Enemies Despite Their Intent
Most of my students have never met a Jewish person who blends in Buddhism. (A JewBu, thankyouverymuch.) So they're not used to looking at their enemies in quite the same way that I am. Hopefully, this perspective helps to make them more well-rounded human beings.
Less likely to pull a Gat on your ass, at any rate.
This little ditty does more than just help my students. It helps me.
Everyone has That Song, right? That Song that picks you up when you're feeling down. The perfect anecdote to a troubled time. Keeps you sane while fruitlessly looking for Passover Matzo and dealing with store clerks who "never heard of it."
Yep. Here's my sanity song. Enjoy.
Bodhisattva Vow - Beastie Boys
Cool lyrics. The Lads like the Beastie Boys' "Girls".
Here's my go-to song:
Hope my mom (God Rest her soul) is not too upset with me...
This song keeps me going on "those" kinds of days.
This Year
Oh, I just love Monty Python. You knew that I would. (That song was in Spamalot, too. Love it!) In fact, we used to have that clip from the Life of Brian on our answering machine - "All right, I am the Messiah. Now, f*ck off!" - during Christmas.
Cause a little holiday cheer never hurt anyone.
And WP...that song scared me a little. But now I can't stop singing it.
I, too, love the Beastie Boys. Have for years... and listen to The In Sound From Way Out all the time.
When that one doesn't work, sometimes this one does:
Drowning Pool
here's another version
I sure HOPE God's got a sense of humor. If not, well, really there's no explaining a lot of stuff, is there? ...and, yeah, I'll be singing "This Year" for awhile...
Of that I have no doubt, and the belief is reinforced every time I glance at a mirror. The Mountain Goats have quite a few good ones:
No Children
Robin Williams had God pegged (sadly for Mr. Williams, that probably works both ways); he believes God just may smoke a little Pot. Look at the Duck Billed Platipuss. Ok, we'll take a Beaver, shove a peak on him ....
Hmm, beaver with a bill, reminds me of Eliot Spitzer
Now that's funny. I don't care who you are...
You're not Jewish. Never will be accepted, sorry.
John McCain isn't Jewish? Who knew?
So let me get this straight. Jesus was Judean. Jesus was also the son of God, right? Theretofore, since the conception was immaculate I'm thinking he didn't get those genes from Mary, Verily, wouldn't that make God Jewish? Thus, by extrapolation, since we're all God's children, aren't we all at least a little bit Jewish?
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