Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Big Day

This happened last week, but I wanted to run it today to show where my support is at.

Any leader who can reference historical figures one day and Jay-Z the next...

is my kind of candidate.

To my Pennsylvania peeps, don't forget to vote!


At 4/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To reference JayZ does not mean he has actually heard any of his music. To reference historical figures does not me he knows anything about history. I DIVOed the candidates on Monday night RAW (wrestling) to see what was going to happen. He looked straight at the Q-cards, never at the camera. Let's not give the "so hip and cool" label to any candidate just yet. Can we say, speech writers.

At 4/22/2008, Blogger MitchRobinsonAces said...

We know where your support lies. Thank goodness you're not raising your kids to be wusses like your candidate.

But you've always beeen a contradictions in terms, so I'm getting used to it.

At 4/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Results of a family poll;45% Clinton, 45% Obama, 10% undecided

At 4/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NObama, 2008!

President John McCain.

At 4/23/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forty five minutes before I heard two candidates say almost exactly the same thing.


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