I was willing to look past the Bosnia thing. Yes, Hillary Clinton told people she arrived there in '96 under sniper fire when the landing was instead quiet and uneventful.
Whatever. Reagan told people he liberated Nazi camps.
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
- and, with the help of the media, turned it into a shitstorm. For what? Certainly not for the sake of rural voters. She's not helping our country. Hillary Clinton is just desperately trying to win the Democratic nomination. And she doesn't care who she destroys to get there.
To a certain extent, this was always true about Bill and Hillary. But the good that President Clinton planned to do and actually did for our country in the 1990s, for me, made him the best possible candidate for office.
The same cannot be said, today, for his wife.
Desperate is so not hot. And this comment she made, in addition to being a lie, is also desperate and deplorable.
"I also disagree with Senator Obama's assertion that people in this country 'cling to guns' and have certain attitudes about immigration or trade simply out of frustration," Clinton added.
She said this with a straight face?
If Hillary Clinton somehow manages to lie and divide and hate her way to the top of the Democratic ticket, she can forget about my vote. She's not the best that we can do. She and her husband have allowed their impressive legacy to be tarnished by what is, at its core, a power-hungry grab to stay relevant.
Hmmm...President McCain. The sound of it makes me sick. Hillary Clinton is moving us ever closer to that unfortunate reality.
In politics as in war--and there is very little difference--do what works.
Sure, BO wasn't wrong in his assessment. He was wrong in saying it in public. We jump on Bill and Hillary for misspeaking--e.g. Bill in SC re Jesse, but don't chastize BO for doing the same thing.
Kate, you have let media bias creep deeply into your comments and, right now, you seem to have lost your indpendent thinking ability. Hillary was quite correct in her assesment of BO's statement. I know a great middle-class teacher who could be called "Independent" and she is not frustrated and deplores illegal immigrants and their effect on our economy.
If the idea of "President McCain" makes you sick, then do all you can to get H the nomination.
How can you possibly say she is responsible for that "unfortunately reality."?
Tell you what--I prefer a down and dirty fighter who will do the right things than a moral and ethical high and mighty wimp.
Well, while I agree that the Clinton camp blew Obama's statements way out of context, so did McCain. The fact that both of them called Obama "elitist" for his honest and accurate statement just proves how astoundingly out of touch they both are with the rank and file of this country.
With that said, Hillary did indeed prove herself a fool and possibly utterly out of touch with psychology by jumping on this. I've tried to be supportive of her in fact of Obama-mania, but if she's going to start simply screeching "up" everytime Obama says "down", then not only is she unattractively desperate, but patently incapable of dealing with national political situations.
Incidentally, to say that Obama was correct in his assessment, but was incorrect in his honesty about his assessment, is perhaps one of the most cynical things I've heard. It also strongly argues that the only reason to vote for Clinton is that she knows when to pour honey into your ear and when to pour poison but when it comes to substance, she's no more tangible than Obama.
It would've been nice for the Dems to have a clear front-runner so the leader could focus on the general election. Didn't happen. It isn't going to happen. I voted in my state's primary. My guy, Edwards, got waxed. I'm going to vote for whichever Dem gets the nod. I hope it's Obama, but either way, my primary's over.
As I was sitting in church today in search of spiritual enlightenment and inspiration on leading a better life, I thought to myself, "Hmmm. I guess this is what frustration feels like."
I agree with your assessment of Billary, but that's just a team looking for a rules violation, a technicality to win. The party isn't important to Hillary, it wasn't to Bill. Winning is what's important to them. That's probably what Bill's whole deal with the sex addiction is, it's more about winning than the BJ or whatever.
That said, if Hillary gets the nob (er, that's Bill again), er the nod, then I'll vote for her. I won't like it, but I'll do it.
So you're surprised that Hillary is a nasty, baldfaced liar (seems as if someone has told you that before.....).
And you're all kinds of shocked that Obama isn't the demi-god you thought he was, but you're still worshipping at his feet.
Geez, what WILL it take for you to wake up and smell what you're shoveling? You democrat party hacks offer up either the Sniper Fire Liar or Mr. Listens to Racists, and you expect to be taken SERIOUSLY by the voters? GMAFB.
President McCain
President of the United States McCain
Commander in Chief McCain
PRESIDENT MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now Hillary is pretending to be Annie Oakley, which is the first truly intelligent thing that Obama has said this entire campaign. Of course, he did it the very same weekend he demonstrated his own out-of-touch elitist attitudes. Not a good weekend for the lefties.........
You have to wonder how many Americans are looking at the total mess the democrat party is these days, and who will just refrain from voting at all.
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