I've Got Subway on my Mind

Last night Oldest got on the phone with my brother to complain about a tummy ache.
"It's the matzoh, Uncle Mike. I'm all bound up."
Husband suggested we stop the whole "kosher for Passover nonsense before someone busts a colon."
Brother concurred.
"What kind of religion makes you eat stale cardboard for eight days straight?" he asked. "As if living where it snows in April isn't hardship enough. Give the kid some carbs for Christ's sake."
Well. For somebody's sake anyway.
now you're catching on to this child rearing stuff - kids need carbs, fats, calories!
President of the United States of America John McCain.
See, that's the good thing about being Episcopalian. We still are encouraged every few Lents to give up, say, sweetpotato pie, but, as long as we don't enjoy it too much, we can eat anything we want. And we're supposed to drink!
Super D, never made SP pie, but have always wanted to.
Kate, good luck with your school choice.
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