Just Donated to Barack's Campaign - What's Elite About That?
It's a shame that Rev. Wright turned on Barack Obama this past week and is trying so desperately to sabotage Obama's presidential campaign. Won't know the real answers behind his public meltdown for years, I'm sure.
Meanwhile, no one cares that John McCain proudly accepted the endorsement of a whacked-out preacher who blames the sins of New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina.
White crazy's okay, I suppose. We're used to that.
I'm not really concerned one way or the other about Wright or Hagee. I'm concerned about health care. Getting our troops out of Iraq.
Hell, Obama's answers about gas prices are better than McCain's.
Let the mouthbreathers who are easily manipulated worry about how what's good for one candidate isn't good for another.
I'm concerned with what really matters.
Barack got it right on the gas tax holiday. A bad tax policy in general and political pandering at its worst.
It goes down hill from there.
"go after [the oil companies'] price gouging"
That's a pretty serious charge. A simple definition of "price gouging" would be nice. When do prices go from high to gouging? Maybe we need another congressional hearing.
"We got to start using less oil"
One good way to encourage that is to raise the price (ask the Europeans).
The Onion put it nicely:
Public Outraged As Price Of Fast-Depleting, Non-Renewable Resource Skyrockets
So, let's see. You're not concerned that a complete and total nutcase counseled and advised Obama for over 20 years, just to get thrown down the stairs now. But you ARE concerned about a relatively minor nutcase who endorsed McCain one time in one election.
Uh huh.
Wake up and smell what you're shoveling.
John, you've got a great point. I don't think another hearing is the answer either. But he's right on when he talks about the gas tax holiday and raising fuel efficiency standards. Two out of three ain't bad.
Anon, I'm not really concerned with nutcase preachers of any kind. I just know you wouldn't be so up in arms if Wright were white. Did you get worked up that Billy Graham, spiritual advisor to how many presidents, held nasty views about Jewish people? Of course you didn't. Shovel that.
You are so totally full of shit that it just never ceases to amaze.
What you think you know is total fantasy, obviously brought about by your own blind rage at Christians and Christianity (I'm not Christian, by the way, but I know that makes no difference to you, since anything you hate simply MUST be associated with Christianity).
What is most interesting about this is how you, like so many dems and liberals, are so caught up in their own bullshit propaganda that they begin to believe it.
Do let us know if you ever find your way back to the real world.
Nothing I wrote is false or historically inaccurate. You can't argue anything I've actually said so you foam about propaganda and pretend that influences anyone with a brain.
It don't.
Billy Graham was a spiritual advisor and did say nasty things. It doesn't bother people because he's white and doesn't wear funny robes. Obama is a Christian and I'm supporting him. In fact, I do believe starting with Dukakis and ending with Kerry, I've never voted for a candidate for President who wasn't Christian.
Turn Hannity off, my friend, and learn to think for yourself. Then get off your meds and come join us for a better tomorrow.
You spend an inordinate amount of your day reading and getting emotionally involved in what you call "bullshit" and even more time commenting on the same. The real world was a few stops back, and your train of thought blew right through the station. Then again maybe your one-track mind never went through there in the first place.
My mother in-law is a racist, bigot, and general all around nutcase. Guess I should never have gotten married to the most amazing person ever in my life and had two incredible kids. I can get by the glaring double standard of blacks having to account for every other black man while whites trollop in the midst of the most hateful vile disgust without a peep, the Republican mind doesn't exist without it, but this guilt by association crap really gets my goat.
As an aside it's interesting how anon has the facts wrong, McCain actively sought out Hagee's endorsement for this coming election, and is keeping it. Shovel that.
Gotta' just LOVE the demonstrations of pure hate speech coming here from you oh-so-tolerant and loving liberals.
Thanks to you all, for the fine examples, that I'll gleefully use to motivate people who can actually THINK, as opposed to parroting moveondotorg propaganda, to doing the right thing. I really do appreciate it.
Raising fuel efficiency standards is no panacea. This left of center guy has it about right. And like with any government regulation, there are always unintended consequences.
Out with the old, in with the new !
Parroting the substanceless MoveOn crap as evidence of parroting. The cyclical bullshit is dizzying. How do they miss the giant Macaw gripping it's talons to the tip of their nose? Then again he/she is correct, that all it takes is a screeching bird with a three word vocabulary to motivate their ilk.
Is a Macaw related to a Macaca? And just what is their "ilk?" Inquiring minds want to know.......
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