Looks Like A Love Toy Collection

Nine year-olds can be vicious.
Especially girls.
In rural Georgia.
Special ed kids...what a surprise. And where were the parents?
God bless our teachers. We don't get paid nearly enough.
Where parenting and politics meet, but don't always play nice.
Let's not be quick to judge before all the facts are in, Kate.
Maybe the teacher had it coming.
Just sayin' ...
What in the world.
(From the Story)
Experts said children that age are certainly imaginative and capable of creating elaborate games. But Dr. Louis Kraus, a child psychiatry expert at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, said he doubts they would have actually attacked.
Is he wacked out or what. He doubts they would have ever attacked.
Imagination in my day was this.... I hated my third grade teacher, I went home everday from school with headaches because all she knew how to do was yell in class because she didn't know how to handle the boy who say in front of me.
I wished is some way she would go away, maybe even drop dead, but I DID'T BRING IN THE OBJECTS TO DO IT. What is going on.
But they are such nice kids, blah, blah blah.....
p.s. Where were the parents you ask....well setting up for the annual SwampFest of course.
I am with Kate on this one - not only special ed, but white and southern.
When is the rest of the world going to get it - the world needs to be rid of these people.
Isn't it just obvious?
Maybe they wanna be astronauts...
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