Not So Surprising

A report by ABC News shows that soldiers over in Iraq want to come home and are supporting the candidates working toward that end.
One such soldier said,
"My biggest issue is support for the military, military funding and our deployments, not having long deployments anymore. Because [the] majority of us are doing ...15-month deployments. So, it's tough on the soldiers and tough on the soldiers' families. Those are really my biggest issues."
Then Obama is your man.
No wonder John "100 more years" McCain wasn't mentioned.
Not even once.
h/t Steve
The rates of support for Obama among active duty military members is really surprising (sorry, I can't quote them right now, but I saw the stats a few months back).
FTR, we're military and we're Obama supporters.
We have the utmost respect for McCain's military career (and the hell he endured as a result), but he's just out of touch with the world (in general, not specifically the military).
Yes, that was a nice piece of "news" media propaganda. We're intended to think that they could find no one in the military who supports McCain. Yeah, sure. Right. Uh huh.
What a bunch of bullshit.
For all of Obama supporters:
To: "coming religion of the freeless"
Exactly what does that story have to do with Obama? His name was never mentioned.
I wish he would volunteer himself to see how it really is. Or atleast send his own kids so he could see what a parent must go through when they have a child at war.
Like "W"?
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