Striving for Excellence and Falling Just Short of the Mark

My children's principal might very well be unhinged.
His boss called me last week all angry that they're "losing good kids and it's got to stop." I'm realistic and understand there is little or nothing the school can do. Teachers are overwhelmed and don't have the time or inclination to worry about all their students. The children who require their attention the most are going to get it. I also know that if Administration were to kick out the aggressive and under performing kids, parents would sue.
Still, the teachers could have shown some understanding and, what my mother-in-law calls, sachel. If kindness were shown, Husband and I would never have complained to Principal's superiors.
Principal's Boss thanked me for bringing it to her attention and promised that "she'd get on him".
Then my next-door neighbor, Trudy*, tells me this bit of nonsense:
Trudy is moving next week and went to the front office to tell them her new address and contact information. For emergencies and sh*t. Principal told Trudy that since she's moving to another district, she's got to withdraw her children.
"There are only twenty-five days left in the school year," Trudy said.
"You should have thought about that before you decided to move," Principal said.
Cause they put children first. I gave her Principal's Boss's direct line and told her to go to town on the man. Enough is enough.
A smart, well-behaved boy that lives a few doors down isn't going to that school anymore either.
"What's going on, Duncan*?" I said. "We haven't seen you around school for a while."
"Mom pulled me out," he said. "I'm getting home schooled now."
Jeez, when non-Christian Fundies are pulling their kids out, you know the school system is going to hell.
Welcome to the brave new world created by the liberal domination of education.
War hero and US President John McCain.
Day-am, Kate, remind me not to piss you off, okay?
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