Way to Be Supportive, Lou

Every child's sports team has a Lou - that loudmouth, know-it-all character from Parenthood.
For those who've never seen this outstanding cinematic salute to the most-rewarding yet worst-paying job ever, let me clue you in on one of its finer characters.
Lou is a pain in the ass. He stands on the sidelines of little-league games berating the parents, coach, kids, and sometimes his own child.
Sound familiar?
We have a Lou on our kids' flag-football team. Angry Mother's got female parts, sort of, but everything else is the same right down to dirty whiskers and beer breath.
Angry Mother tried to start an email fight with Husband (AKA Coach) last week. When she arrived at the game, all hungover and a half-hour late, she yelled at her kid to "throw long" and "run hard" while he ignored her and another Team Mother prayed for her.
I love this town.
Even her husband, at one point, had to tell her to be quiet.
I laughed heartily at her latest round of emails. Seems she's a nightmare for every team with which she's associated. Not just ours. Check it.
To: Parents
From: Mr. Robinson
Just a quick email to let everyone know that picture day is this Saturday, April 12th, 2008. Our scheduled time is 9:40a.
To: Mr. Robinson
From: Angry Mother
Practice???? If so, where? We have a problem with the changing of fields all the time. I know you said Inferior High* was always the practice site however, they are still moving back and forth. Maybe it will straighten out itself.
(Husband didn't respond back. Cause Angry Mother obviously can't read and plus he has a life to lead. Besides he got this quick follow-up.)
To: Mr. Robinson
From: Angry Mother
Sorry Mr. Robinson. The last email was supposed to go to another coach for my older child :(
Good to know. Misery loves company after all.
Focus on your kids runing an option and not be the Lou that is talking trash from the kitchen.
After careful reading of your blog, I think your problems stem from having children.
You should undo them.
I think the fire station will take children if you drop them off.
... what? I'm just sayin'
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