My mother retired in February. She goes to shows, takes Culinary Art classes, and entertains out-of-town guests. It’s only a matter of time before she learns needlepoint and shuffleboard. Your typical, retiree-in-Florida nonsense.
Yesterday, she took off for Medjugorje.
I know. I’d never heard of it either.
Apparently, though, this little village in Bosnia-Herzegovina is quite a hit with a certain someone named The Blessed Mother. Appeared there in 1981, before the town got cable, to proclaim that God is real and watching us. Fantastic. So *my* blessed mother decided to join other Catholics around the world for what the religious call a pilgrimage.
I call it Crazy Talk.
Leave it to the Virgin Mary to book a remote village in a war-torn country. Surely God’s baby mama could have done better than that – at the very least, she could have gone somewhere with four-star accommodations and wireless internet access.
But whatever.
I’m a bit worried about my mom traveling to that part of the world just to get spiritual fulfillment and renewal. Not when Vegas is just a few hours away. When I think about all the whackjobs in Bosnia and danger waiting around every corner...
Wait a minute, what am I thinking? The Virgin Mary wouldn’t have picked a dangerous neighborhood, right? She leaves those areas to Gabriel or Lucifer. The Virgin Mary is too classy to appear just anywhere.
Okay. I feel better now.
I’m sure my mom and company are hoping that Mary makes another appearance while they’re in town. But I told my mom not to get her hopes up. Holy Girlfriend is busy dealing with Darfur and Beyonce’s musical career. She doesn't have time to be worrying about a bunch of tourists who are wearing sweatpants, comfortable shoes, and bartering for Miraculous Medals.
The priest who’s leading this particular party has been there before. On his last trip, Priest went to his hotel room after a long day and was ready for sleep. But when he looked out his hotel window, he saw that the lights up at the monument were still on. So he went up there to pray one last time.
Devoted man of the cloth and all.
The next morning, he told everyone about praying up there before the lights went off and everyone was all, “Padre, there are no lights up there.”
Cue the choir.
Sure enough, Priest hasn’t seen lights since.
Everyone was all ooohing and ahhhing and blathering about miracles. Not me, though. I was pissed on his behalf.
Mary, probably off somewhere getting a corn removed, says, “Dude dragged his cookies all the way to Bosnia. Shine a light on the poor bastard; give him a thrill.” Either that or Priest had sipped some serious Bosnian booze.
Personally, I’d demand a refund.
So positive thoughts for my mom and the rest of the retired Catholics who’re traveling halfway across the world just to see some lights. God bless ‘em.
You gave me a great start for a dull Wednesday, I'll be laughing all day!
You gave me a great start for a dull Wednesday, I'll be laughing all day!
What's wrong with lights? Idinat what Chu-Hon-acher is about? The TANAKH is full of miracles. Pillars of clouds by day and pillars of fire by night. Staffs into snakes. And, why is the night of Passover like no other? Could be that stuff actually happened. Some of it, anyway. As a son of a nun, I gotta figure your mom's no nuttier than the folks who knew Moses. Or is that what you're saying?
Wonder who PRESIDENT John McCain's VP will be.....maybe Joe Lieberman? That would be interesting.....nice religious and political mix, very appealing to anyone rational. Hmmmmmmm........
Wait, what? Didn't the post just before this one center on how unfortunate it was that Jewish religious tradition wasn't observed when planning a school prom? And now there's this one lampooning your own mother's spiritual journey?
Um, do you not see any problem with that?
Um, the post before this one centered on how Jewish kids in this town have to continually choose between their religion and school events. In that post, I lampooned my own religious traditions because, let's face it, there's plenty to lampoon in a tradition that celebrates "when God killed all those Egyptian kids."
Just like there's plenty to lampoon about a bunch of lovable grandmas traveling to Bosnia in the hopes of catching up with Mary.
Nope. I see no problem with any of it. Mostly because it's all done with good humor and a ton of love.
Which you should know by now.
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