Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fat Lady, Sing.

I don't care who out there all of a sudden loves Hillary Clinton because she's got tenacity and a fighting spirit.

Go back to scrapbooking and Oprah and leave the rest of us to figure this nonsense out.

The Clinton Machine is hurting America and, as always, Matt Taibbi says it best:

In the end, whatever happens, it's impossible to get around the fact that all of this, really, is the responsibility of one person: Hillary Clinton. We headed irrevocably down this path toward a democratic crisis the moment she decided to stay in the race despite impossible mathematical odds. That is a heavy thing for one person to bring about all by herself, on purpose and with her eyes wide open. The question we all might have to start thinking about soon is Why? What the hell was she thinking? Was she trying to drag us into a Banana Republican coup scenario on purpose?

Party bosses, it's time. Take Hillary into a room and tell her the race is over.

Because the rest of us are over her. And what she's trying to do to our country.


At 5/21/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

I'll send her a dollar, if she'll quit. Wait... I don't have a dollar. But if I had one, I'd send her a dollar to quit.

At 5/21/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Hillary Duffed this one (wait, haven't I heard that name somewhere before?)

At 5/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you would deny your fellow democrats in the states that haven't voted yet the right to their choice, eh? You probably would fight seating the delegates from Florida at the convention, too. Pretty undemocratic of you....

At 5/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DNC in Florida making a seven day move = voters don't get a voice. Thanks for punishing the voters. What's with the whole early exceptions for IO, NH, Nev,, and S.C.?

At 5/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Face it - the party bosses are in control. The whole primary business was nothing more than political theater. Hillary is being dissed because she's a woman, and they figure no one will vote for a woman, so they had to find a minority man, and that's Obama. It's just normal power politics in the party.

At 5/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is one Hillary supporter who hopes she hangs in there as long as she can and teaches Obama what politics is really like. He's a dilettante who's going to get eaten alive if he makes it to the WH. And as one liberal Democrat to another, you can kiss my Oprah-hating ass for your condescending attitude.

At 5/21/2008, Blogger kate said...

Anon 8:35 - Rules are rules. Both Hillary and Obama agreed that Florida and Michigan should be punished for moving up their primaries. Now all of a sudden, through arm twisting and backroom deals, Hillary wants to change that. Pathetic.

Karla - Hillary stooping to levels that are shameful and polarizing just to show Obama a thing or two "about politics" is a shameful excuse to keep going. And calm yourself, I clearly said "all of a sudden" - meaning right-wing supporters who love her NOW cause she's scrappy. They're also laughing over this infighting. Screw them.


At 5/21/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Rules are rules.

Which was sort of the attitude back in 2000 when Gore finally dropped his argument and look where that got us.

The fact is it's her right to run and, so long as she's not breaking any laws, telling her not to do so is, well, frankly, pretty unAmerican. It's also not a good idea to disenfranchise her supporters, many of whom are smart, articulate, driven people, by assuming they're some sort of middle-America, housefrau shut ins. In order for Obama to win in November, he's (and his supporters) are going to have to start learning how to make nice with Clinton (and her supporters).

And why is everyone riding Hilary's ass about her staying in while no one says shit about Ron Paul? Where are the demands that he drop out officially? Where's the condemnation for him dividing the party?

At 5/21/2008, Blogger kate said...

I don't think these particular set of rules are harmful and Hillary *agreed* with them in the beginning. Her change of mind now seems disingenuous.

And when she gets up there and talks about winning the White House, well, this particular smart, articulate, driven person gets offended that she's talking to us like we're all, oh, I don't know, middle-America, housefrau shut ins.

I think a military junta going in there and forcing her out of the race is unAmerican, but exercising my freedom of speech and giving reasons why should voluntarily listen to the voters and bow out is quite the opposite.

If I can make nice with evangelicals who hate me, I can make nice with anyone.

And who's Ron Paul again?

At 5/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Fighting Dems" meme as Republican/MSM fodder is all they have, the desperation is quite comforting. Never mind, the memory hole looms and in a month it'll be "Hillary who?" and on to the "black-man-raised-by-single-mom-in-the-inner-city-as-dilettante" stupidity.

sigh & yawn,

At 5/21/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Her change of mind now seems disingenuous.

Why? Circumstances have changed necessitating a reevaluation of that stance. If you put your kid in time out and your house started burning down, would you insist that he stay in his punishment corner? At the very least it's equally disingenuous for Obama, who's run on a campaign of change and hope for all, to support the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of voters because it might hurt his stance.

Again, back in 2000, this was the exact same argument used against Gore to get him to concede. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now.

And who's Ron Paul again?

A guy who has no chance of securing the Republican nomination. So he should drop out, right? Yet no one's calling for that. Clinton also theoretically has no chance of securing the nomination, yet everyone is calling for her to drop out. So what's the difference here? Why the uproar about Clinton fighting to the end but no similar hubbub about Paul?

At 5/21/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Hey, Kate,
How about a tail-gunner Joe Liberman post. That guy is the ulitimate tool. I heard him on Hannity tonight all supporting John McCain and calling Sean a great American. I think he's angling to be two-time VP loser (actually, I guess he did win once)

At 5/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron Paul should drop out. Many have been saying that, despite your bogus opinion to the contrary.

But the Dem race is still neck to neck.... Barak Hussein hasn't clinched it, despite ample opportunity. This will get settled in a smoky back room at the convention, while the riots are going on outside.

At 5/22/2008, Blogger kate said...

I don't think Ron Paul is as much of an issue on the right as Hillary is on the left.

Joe Lieberman is an embarrassment.

And I don't think Hillary staying in reflects a weakness in the party, it just sends another signal that there are other ways to decide an election or primary besides old-fashioned *voting*.

Jeez. Didn't ANYONE read the article I referenced?

At 5/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If her staying in, and the resultant controversy causes an exodus by Dems, I'd say the party has some definite identity issues. Though that's something the mules have always battled against more often than the groupthink party.

At 5/22/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Ron Paul should drop out. Many have been saying that, despite your bogus opinion to the contrary.

Who? Where's the national debate hotly covered by the media where every primary, regardless of who wins anymore, serves as another cry for her to give up? My "bogus" opinion aside, if you think the calls for Paul to resign are anywhere near as numerous or loud as the calls for Clinton to just walk away, then you're the one who's misinformed.

I don't think Ron Paul is as much of an issue on the right as Hillary is on the left.

Why not? They're both candidates who we're told statistically can not secure their parties nominations. If neither one has a shot at winning, then what does it matter if either one keeps running and why the difference in coverage between the two.

I read the article and, frankly, it's just more Clinton bashing. She's gone from the presumptive nominee to a national pariah that everyone loves to hate, suddenly being responsible for more social ills than fat people. It's ridiculous and, to an extent, offensive and disingenuous of the Left. We've got an even BETTER TOKEN MINORITY CANDIDATE now, so we're going to eat our own.

Taibbi's fundamental point, that Clinton pushing for reenfranchisement of Florida voters is removing our political system from the hands of the people and putting it into the hands of lawyers, is flawed. That already happened. Remember 2000 and our Supreme Court appointed president? Anything Clinton does at this point is immaterial to that process. And how can one say that Clinton seeks to remove anything from the public when it was the DNC that did that?

Shame on Taibbi for jumping on the poorly thought out "Clinton Is The Root Of All Evil" bandwagon. Shame on him for acting like Clinton is doing something wrong, something that Al Gore branded on the system back in 2000, by actually having the nerve to employ our national system of checks and balances to validate our democracy. That's not journalism. It's not even good op-ed. It's rank punditry. What's worse, it's punditry turned back on itself like a double-headed snake.

Endorse that all you like. Personally, it makes my skin crawl.

At 5/24/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Hillary wants Obama to be assassinated. Interesting.

At 5/28/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least she knows where Auschwitz is..........


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