If More Conservatives and Republicans Were Like George Will
If more of you focused on real issues and real concerns, then no matter how much we disagreed, at least I could *respect* you.
But instead, most of you all look and sound like this...
and therefore deserve no respect. Of any kind.
Thanks for the GW link. Awesome editorial.
The Fox clip is a little, well, clipped. And how can you explain Hillary, Barack and Howard Dean all appearing on FNN all in one week after months (years)of avoiding the network?
First, George Will is an elitist snob who never met a union, teacher, liberal, democrat...etc. that he liked.
Second, his questions are BS and while asking them, in his insufferable way, he obfuscates and prevaricates as he answers.
1. Of course the Constitution and statutes must be considered. He didn't say that the didn't have to. But, obviously, religion and elitism have to do with the appointment of John Roberts, as Republicans seem to only want to appoint Catholics from Ivy League colleges to the court.
2. Why should the insurance companies give up their profits? Because inefficiencies in the market keeps so many without health insurance and many with health insurance from getting the care they need. All this while evidence shows that single-payer insurance is the most efficient way of distributing medical care.
3. Microsoft makes a product that has competitors like Apple, Unix, Linux, etc. and isn't as vital a product as oil. Plus, nobody speculates in the futures market on Microsoft Office.
4. Our homes are another real necessity and while nobody (including Mr. Will) knows the "ideal prices", certainly we all know if we have massive foreclosures, the ripple effect of homelessness for buyers and renters as well as the collapse of the financial markets could have disastrous effects on the security of our country. So, Mr. McCain, is doing nothing the best policy?
5. Yes, I'm sure he knows that the "money-making industries" are responsible for making money, but was just pointing out that making money alone wasn't what life is about, that there are good works and rewarding careers outside of those industries, most of which support those industries by dealing with the needs of their employees and future employees.
6. I won't go through all of these, but, yes, there have been advances in medicine, if you can afford it and, yes, income is up for the whole, but we all know how it is distributed (the "tinkle down theory" in action).
7 +8. As long as capital gains taxes are less than income taxes, money will still be invested the same way in capital. After all, what other choice is there?
Plus, people will be more willing to hold on to their stock and other assets for the long term, reducing the volatility in the markets.
I could go on, but I have to work in the am and his hold on reality is so tenuous anyway, I give him credibility by challenging him.
To John:
"Hillary, Barack and Howard Dean all appearing on FNN all in one week" just shows how the Democratic party is expanding to try to peel off moderate Republicans who either will not vote at all if not given a choice to vote for a Democrat. This is part of a general election strategy. Can we say landslide?
Sounds like you're in panic mode, Kate, knowing that your guy is behind and getting more so.
But you just gotta' love how the liberals view of anything and anyone who opposes them is nothing more than a pure, although inaccurate, stereotype. Same thing as the "everyone who lives in Colorado Springs is a mouthbreathing caveman," unless, of course, you're the oh-so-enlightened Kate. :rolls eyes:
Niven's Law - there is no cause so noble that it won't attack fuggheads.......and they get the most press.
So when Obama gets beat, go whine to your mama some more and lose yourself in a funk of self-pity and blame anything but yourself and your own incompetent candidate. That, at least, will be amusing to watch.
The last 7 years have been horrible for the vast majority of Americans. If Americans vote their pocketbooks, the Democrats will win in a rout. 'Course, the Republicans have done a pretty good job getting people to vote for vague ideas like "prayer in school" instead of their pocketbooks...
Get off that computer!
It's time for your Man Class.
Seriously, I don't know why I keep paying and hoping you'll pass that thing.
All democrats and libbies are cowards when it comes to hearing the truth. It's really kind of pathetic, when you think about it.
Dave said: The last 7 years have been horrible for the vast majority of Americans.
I like my drama but that's a little over the top, Dave. When asked, in a recent AP poll(pdf file), how well things are going in your life, 62% of the respondents fell into the "very happy" or "somewhat happy" category with another 18% who said "meh, neither happy nor unhappy".
That "vast majority" must not be paying attention to how horrible things have been.
Second try on the link.
Anon 11:36 - George Will might be all those things, but at least he articulates an argument. At least he's a worthy opponent. And he got a good response out of you, didn't he? And isn't it better to get worthy criticism that can be answered rather than nonsense about "he's muslim and won't wear a flag pin and goes to a racist church!"
Is all I'm saying.
And John, people are happy in general. But that poll didn't ask us about the economy or gas prices or whether we think we're better off financially today rather than ten years ago.
Is all I'm saying.
But that poll didn't ask us about the economy or gas prices
Yes it did. And most people aren't happy with gas prices and the economy (big surprise there). I'm not happy about a lot of things but my life, in general, is pretty fucking fantastic.
My point is that if the last seven years were so horrible shouldn't we feel more horrible (and not be so happy).
Perhaps horrible is a bit strong, but, statistics aside (Mark Twain said there are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics), higher food and gas prices and wages that haven't nearly kept pace have affected a lot of people I know. A lot. Maybe we don't all care about pointless wars and loss of civil rights, but what's the loss of blood and freedom count for if we're poorer and not any safer?
Mark Twain said a lot of things and I wasn't quoting any statistic.
Maybe we don't all care about pointless wars and loss of civil rights
How the fuck do you respond to that?
Are you still beating your wife?
No. I'm divorced.
oh, and I suppose you could make a case (if a case can be made), that the war isn't pointless and that our civil rights either haven't been eroded or that the loss of individual liberity was necessary to secure our collective security. I obviously don't agree, but that's how you address it.
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