Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Is It True About Obama?

This is a great video to send to those idiots who keep circulating false emails about Barack Obama.

Not that rumor and hate-mongers are interested in the truth. But it's still a good one to send.

h/t John


At 5/28/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Obama ever figure out where Auschwitz is? And who liberated it? Or did he know all that and just get caught in a stupid lie made to boost his non-existent expertise in foreign affairs?

Oh, and is he still seeing dead heroes right in front of him like he did on Memorial Day?

At 5/28/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as a lifelong democrat i am disppointed in the legtimate gaffees amd mistakes circulating that obama has committed (the real ones, not the smears)

At 5/28/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "legtimate gaffee?"

It's not at all legitimate to not have a clue about your history and tell tales in a vain attempt to appeal to the Jewish voter. GMAFB.

At 5/28/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Cool video.

At 5/29/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are real problems in the world besides your compulsion to be an assbag.

At 5/30/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The funny thing is how the libs and dems were all over George Bush for supposedly being so inarticulate and unable to speak well in public - and now look at their own candidate's inability to speak coherently.

It really is to laugh.

At 5/31/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DNC host officials short on cash
The committee for the Democratic convention considers cuts in light of the fundraising shortfall.
By Chuck Plunkett
The Denver Post
Article Last Updated: 05/30/2008 10:40:47 AM MDT

An exterior view of the Pepsi Center taken before opening night for the Dallas Stars at the Colorado Avalanche on October 4, 2006 in Denver, Colorado. (Carmen Kuri-Moeller, Getty Images)
Millions of dollars behind in raising money and unlikely to meet a fast-approaching final deadline, the Denver committee hosting the Democratic National Convention is considering spending cuts.
Committee sources say they are working with the Democratic National Convention Committee to consider lowering the $55 million in private cash and donated services that must be raised to bring the convention to town. The cuts would be made to the many parties the host committee is obligated to throw for the delegations and the news media, and other hospitality functions not tied to production aspects inside the convention hall.
"There have been no specific decisions made," host committee spokesman Chris Lopez said. "We're always identifying costs and weighing them against our anticipated revenue."
Lopez said the committee is still working to satisfy its full obligation.
Steve Farber, a Denver lawyer leading the host committee's financial charge, agreed, saying, "I continue to believe we are going to raise the money."
With less than 90 days to the convention and no way to stage it elsewhere, the shortfall in funds could mean the Democratic Party's plan to showcase itself in a smaller city will result in making do with less.

At 5/31/2008, Blogger kate said...

Wow, anon the ass, I can cut and paste, too.

"McCain consistently has trailed the two remaining Democratic presidential candidates in fundraising. The $17 million McCain raised in April was dwarfed by the nearly $31 million by Obama and the $21 million by Sen. Hillary Clinton.

McCain also trails both Democrats in the amount of cash on hand. He had nearly $22 million in the bank at the end of April, while Obama had more than double that amount -- nearly $47 million -- and Clinton had nearly $30 million."

At 6/01/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate myself so much I don't even want to use my name in public. Please forgive me. I'm really sorry I said all those mean and incorrect things.

At 6/01/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be really getting to them if they feel the compulsion to engage in childish namecalling and the like.

What's the matter, Kate, bugged that your guy Obama is going to turn out to be a real loser? It might help if he wasn't seeing dead heroes in front of him.......and if he knew where Auschwitz is and what happened there....and if he didn't believe in the Black Value System....and if he didn't play the race card over and over.......maybe you should clue him in? After all, he could obviously use some kind of advice on how to pander to the Jewish vote without looking completely stupid in the process.

At 6/05/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how the Clinton haters doubled in number over the last few months. Conservatives told libs that the Clinton's were scumbags back in 1992, and it took the idiots until the 2008 Dem primary to figure it out.

Looks like the little colored muslim boy will get the nomination if Billary lets him. Doesn't really matter. If he does win the GE, he's damaged goods from day one and he'll be destroyed even worse that Clinton was destroyed. It'll be a free-for-all, and why not. An America with liberals in control isn't really America anyway.

I hope he does win. With Dems in the WH and in Congress, it'll be 93 & 94 all over again because they're incompetent. Also, if al-Qaeda is out there listening, should B. Hussein Osama win it'll be the prefect time for you to unleash your full fury on the USA mainland. Don't worry, they won't retialate, they're liberals. The worst they'll do is apologize for making you mad and ask what they need to do in order to appease your anger.

At 6/06/2008, Blogger Brett said...

Sorry to derail anon's fantastic racist antics, because they're just too cute, but I thought you might like this story about Obama having a private conversation with Great American Douchebag Joe Lieberman.

At 6/06/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to derail the cult followers of B. Hussein Osama. Let's see what can be done to make their widdle boo-boos feel bebb-ber.

Obama is the messiah. No one, not even Lieberman, should upset "The Chosen One." He has the power of just his word to stop world hunger, make peace among all nations, cure cancer, make all necessities in life free, provide two cars in every garage, and a chicken in every pot. How fortunate we are to live in a time where this individual has graciously come along to save mankind from itself. His is not the voice of a man, but of a god.

There, that should do it.

In the meanwhile, the rest of the world is going to have to deal with all the things this B. Hussein Osama idiot is going to try and screw up with his immature economic and social policies. Of course, those who are as fucking immature as he don't even see it coming. Yeah, I'm talking to you, bitch.

At 6/06/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever since the Democrats took over Congress 2 years ago gas has more than doubled, unemployment has increased, mortgage foreclosures have gone up, we're in a recession, and troops in Iraq have increased.

I can't wait until they have both the WH and Congress to see just how much more they can screw things up than they have since the 2006 election.


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