Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kosher Still Ain't Kosher

I’ve written before about Agriprocessors, Inc. This so-called kosher slaughterhouse is no different from any other animal-killing operation. Cows and chickens are tortured and then killed, slaughtered right along with the spirit of kosher laws designed to answer to a “higher authority.”

What a pathetic joke. These people are exploiting traditions and outdated ideas in order to make some money.

Now it turns out, Agriprocessors takes advantage of more than just animals. And federal authorities busted them for it.

One source, a former plant supervisor, told agents the plant hired foreign nationals from Mexico, Guatemala and Eastern Europe. Around 80% were in the United States illegally, said a supervisor with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The source also reported that some employees were running a methamphetamine lab in the plant and were bringing weapons into the plant, which employs about 1,000. He said he was fired after he told his superiors.

According to Fast Food Nation, slaughterhouses all over the west take in illegal immigrants, place them in unsafe working conditions, and pay slave wages, but more than they’d make back in whatever third world nation from which they came. That’s what you’re supporting when you buy meat from Wal-Mart, Trader Joe’s, Albertson’s and Kroger, as well as synagogues all over the country.

Put that in your shofar and blow it.

Should this company be held to a higher standard because it operates under the guise of a religious authority? Not to me. If it isn’t already crystal clear by now, hypocrisy comes in all shapes and sizes.

Under yarmulkes and prayer cloths as well.


At 5/13/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Reminds me of your Cha-Honner-Ca Ham post a few months ago. 'Course, that was No-semite-y Sam, doing the ham.


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