Monday, May 26, 2008

Not The Greatest Show on Earth

Animals weren't put here for our entertainment. Torturing them is not family fun.

On June 12th, when the circus comes to town, just say no.

"The idea that it is funny to see wild animals coerced into acting like clumsy humans, or thrilling to see powerful beasts reduced to cringing cowards by a whipcracking trainer is primitive and medieval. It stems from the old idea that we are superior to other species and have the right to hold dominion over them."

—Dr. Desmond Morris, anthropologist, animal behaviorist, author


At 5/26/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone needs to take a swing and "Boom" under that dudes chin... give him a dose.

This was terribly difficult to watch.
These are magnificent creatures and to watch them tortured like that is sickening.

At 5/26/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

And yet, when Barnum and Bailey's comes to town, I'll still go because that's what I did with my father and he's dead now and I miss him. Maybe it's not right, but I'm sure as hell not going to apologize for it.

At 5/26/2008, Blogger kate said...

Well, you sure as hell don't have to apologize to me or anyone else who lurks here. We aren't the ones with electric prods up our asses. Although, some of my readers certainly behave that way.

I'd never want to ruin a good memory. By all means, go and enjoy.

I'm just hopeful that some people, who weren't aware of the cruelty before, might decide to make new memories with their kids. Because the cruelty really is that bad. And someone's got to break the cycle.

My Nana called black people "colored." I miss her like crazy. But you don't see me walking around doing it in her memory. Why? Cause we know more now. What good is the knowing if we don't act any different?

At 5/27/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what do you do if you ever have to write anything about the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People? Do you replace "Colored" with ******** or something? Call it the NAA*P?

At 5/28/2008, Blogger Chase Squires said...

Besides, clowns suck.

At 6/05/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Circus goers, as a side attraction, should be permitted to shoot PETA members. That would even things out, and hey, less PETA members. Win win.


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