Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's Summertime After All

I'm heading to the beach for a few days, but before I go...

Which is worse? John McCain continuing to treat Americans in general, and Floridians in particular, as if we are all mouthbreathers. Or the fact that our governor, Charlie Crist, is going along with it?

The oil companies are trying to get certain areas up for oil exploration: Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, etc.

"The prices will come down if we can drill where we want, we swear..."

Sure. This is nothing new, they've been trying this for years. They did so after 9/11, after Katrina, whenever they think it might work. So far, Florida's governor has been on our side.

Now he wants to be vice-president so he's running to McCain's side to push drilling in the gulf. As if pretending to be straight wasn't humiliating enough. Jim Johnson over at State of Sunshine put it best with this postcard.

He should add Charlie Crist's name as well. So if you're a real conservative, I suppose Bob Barr is the only real choice.

Say it with me: President Obama.

And this guy, at least he's telling the truth.

Say with it with me: Seven minutes.

h/t Dalia


At 6/19/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So your view is more important than the economy of the entire nation.

Can you get any more self-centered, maybe if you try real hard?

Why don't you stick with those obviously major decisions about how much more plastic surgery to get, and leave the real world for those who can actually think intelligently about solving the problems that face our country.

At 6/19/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama to the rescue as we say around here!
Isn't that video hilarious?!?!
Does it remind you of anyone?

At 6/19/2008, Blogger capemh said...

Oh, so it's all about Kate's view?

No, it's about the millions of tourists yearly that come for the view, paying their billions of dollars in Florida for the privilege.

Self-centered? Well, how about these facts:

How about the millions of acres already leased and tens of thousand drilling permits issued and not drilled as yet...

How about there being such a shortage of exploration ships and equipment that they are hardly drilling anywhere at sea...

How about the fact that the oil companies have been complaining that all of the refineries are operating at full capacity so even if they had the oil today, they couldn't do anything with it (and don't hand me the canard that environmentalists won't let them build refineries, they don't want to build more, since they get more bang for the buck not building more. Many places in the US would love to have refineries for the tax base and jobs). Or, maybe they aren't at full capacity and they are purposely decreasing the supply of refined products...

Even if all of this wasn't true, oil from these areas wouldn't be available for as long as a decade, which will do nothing for the present pain at the pump.

Also, if it weren't for the weak dollar caused by this administration's weaker record on managing the budget and the economy, if the dollar was worth what it was in 2001, gas would be well under $3.00

So, yeah, anonymous coward this is all about the view.

At 6/19/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That doesn't look like fifty miles to me. And after seven minutes, I want him off of me (I need a cigarette).

At 6/19/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Okay, now that's funny!

At 6/20/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Are those metric minutes or American minutes? That's why I always carry a Big Jim Slade, just in case.....

At 6/20/2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm with you. I had a big gas post last week and I;m thinking of a P.S. about it next week. Any new drilling is so shortsighted and a waste of money an a limited resource. Awesome postcard. And AWESOMER video.


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