Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Try not to think about its soul, Kate."

Today I am going to do something I haven't done in a long time. I'm going to eat salmon.

Fresh, not farmed, salmon. So that's something. However, I am not thrilled with this particular development. I am simply conducting an experiment to see if my platelet count goes up. This will placate certain family members, dieticians, and friends who insist lack of dead-animal protein is to blame for my ITP. If, in two months, this does nothing to raise my numbers, I will go back to my cruelty-free diet.


It's not that I haven't had worse things in my mouth. I did date a Republican once. Once. It's just that I feel good and healthy living a life where I do my best to do no harm.

The body though is not playing along. And I'd hate to get worse and start bleeding out everywhere without at least trying to fix it. I often say that food is medicine we put in our body every day...

So I'm going to eat salmon today. Wish me luck. (But only if you're registered because anonymous users are now banned from my site. Happy Chase? John?)


At 6/26/2008, Blogger Brett said...

You banned anonymous posts? How on earth am I going to post hilarious anti-Kate diatribes while hiding in the shadows of complete cowardice? You're no fun anymore.

At 6/26/2008, Blogger WP said...

Death isn't cruel in and of itself.

Best of luck!

I, for one, have never had much of an appetite for anything that didn't have an appetite of it's own.

At 6/26/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

One new-age girl I used to know (what do you mean "biblically or non-biblically? Hey, it idint about that) wouldn't eat most kinds of meat, but would eat some kinds of fish. I didn't completely understand her "scale", but it had something to do with the personalities of the kind of fish. She wouldn't eat grouper, but had no problem with salmon. That's one school of thought, anyway.

At 6/26/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least Salmon aren't abused.....Saw this on Raw Story Kate. Makes me want to stop eating meet again...OMG....I didn't even watch the video and I am upset.

(Tam in Tampa)

At 6/26/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry kate it's MEAT..not jack russell terrier keeps jumping on my chair and driving me nuts.

At 6/26/2008, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

Wait.... Wait... You're got rid of nastygrams?! You blocked the cowards?! You got rid of nastygrams??

AND you're eating Salmon?!?

Oh heaven-to-betsy, what is goign ON here Kate?! ;)

At 6/26/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

Salmon tastes sooo good and it's so good for you. That and tuna. I couldn't live without my tuna salad sandwiches (although that's more my love for mayo and relish).

And thanks for dumping the anons.

At 6/27/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

And I'm hoping that title is a joke.

At 6/27/2008, Blogger Jim Johnson said...

Ah, Kate. You're coming over to the dark side.

Next you'll post that your iron deficient, so you need to start having a nice, medium rare filet.

Or maybe some prime rib with au jus.



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