Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Heck If I Know

BOB SCHIEFFER: How can you say that John McCain is untested and untried, General?

CLARK: Because in the matters of national security policy making, it's a matter of understanding risk. It's a matter of gauging your opponents and it's a matter of being held accountable.

John McCain's never done any of that in his official positions. I certainly honor his service as a prisoner of war. He was a hero to me and to hundreds of thousands and millions of others in the armed forces, as a prisoner of war. He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world.

But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded—that wasn't a wartime squadron. He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall. He hasn't seen what it's like when diplomats come in and say, "I don't know whether we're going to be able to get this point through or not. Do you want to take the risk? What about your reputation? How do we handle this publicly?" He hasn't made that call, Bob.

SCHIEFFER: Well, General, maybe—could I just interrupt you?

CLARK: Sure.

SCHIEFFER: I have to say, Barack Obama has not had any of those experiences, either, nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down. I mean...

CLARK: Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.

What did he say that was so wrong?


At 7/02/2008, Blogger MitchRobinsonAces said...

I have always felt from the 2004 presidental election, that Clark was and still is the best choice for President. This only confirms my feelings.

At 7/02/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Finally, someone said it! What did he say so wrong, nothing, but you aren't allowed to question a war hero. You aren't allowed to admit that you notice anything wrong with the country either, or you are anti-patriotic. See Michelle Obama.

Heaven forbid we have anyone honest in the "highest" office.

At 7/02/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He said nothing wrong. But it was fine for the republicans to swiftboat John Kerry. That was ok. I swear if Obama wins this election, I am throwin a HUGE ass party. Being shot down and held hostage does not qualify you to be president. That is a fact. If so, all the Iranian hostages would from 1979 would qualify. Where's Terry Anderson when you need him? Anyone ever read his book? It was great by the way....

At 7/02/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction: Actually Terry Anderson was kidnapped in 1985, but still doens't qualify him to be president!

At 7/02/2008, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

The Great: But what exactly has Clark done besides military stuff? We're not a Military Dictatorship in this country... If he were the best candidate, he would have both experiences to his credit.

But I digress...

At 7/02/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

Technically, what Clark said is correct. Being shot down and subsequently tortured as a prisoner of war is not a qualification for being president. It makes you wonder why John Kerry ever brought up his service in Viet Nam at all since it is so unimportant. Or maybe it has something to do with character.

And since both candidates have never had any "executive responsibility", why is this a topic for discussion?

At 7/10/2008, Blogger Federalist said...

Being shot down is not qualifications to be a president, true. What John McCain did while he was a prisoner, however shows his character and his ability to lead. He could have taken his pass to freedom as a propaganda piece for the Viet..but he "chose" to stay and take care of his fellow prisoners. While I disagree with a number of points in his platform, I can respect him.

Now... what has Obama done that would give him the ability to lead and to be president of this country. He became politically active in the Chicago political machine. He lied about his knowledge of his "pastors" rhetoric. He has lied about his beliefs, and is, as described by Wright, just a politician, some one who says what is expedient to be elected, regardless of what he truly belives.

Yes, he is sorta black, yes, he is a smooth talker, yes, he has a cute family... but what in the world does he truly believe in.
Change ???? another mantra of the left with no substance.

I am a liberal, but that does NOT mean that I'm a bobble head for the democratic party as so many seem to be. Obama is a person with no base of beliefs that he is willing to stick to.. so for me, I will vote for a man I can respect, rather than a man I can not believe in.


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