Friday, July 11, 2008

I Get the Best Emails - Ongoing

On Thursday, The Gazette, back in Colorado Springs, printed my last column.

As a result, I received many positive responses yesterday.

From Jim, a Catholic priest: Believe me, I do not have any more sympathy for militant fundies than you do. Even their knowledge of Christianity is extremely narrow. For them it's a veneer, a cover, a means of getting ahead in their particular society. They cannot understand how God can save anybody except themselves.

From Susan: As a Chicago transplant, I intend to keep your July 10 column. As adults, we can deal with the community, but I'm sorry that your children had the experiences they did. Obviously, we're able to create happy lives wherever we go and, though a stranger, I wanted to wish you and your family well.

From Amy: I just thought I would offer you a different take on areas of the Springs. The Westside, Manitou, and much of the downtown area are very, very liberal. Just look at Colorado College! And as much as I know I won't change your mind about this town, please understand that one area of a place with a population close to 600,000 people, does NOT represent the area as a whole. Good luck to you in your future, and I hope you find peace in the next place you choose to live.

So nice, right? Of course, the haters reached out as well.

From Patricia: I am exhausted by your severe case of narcissism! You don't even know there is a whole world of people around you. "HUSBAND" must be a nut case also. Well, hope TAMPA has a band and parade to welcome Miss Wonderful and "HER" Boys, but be ready for a big disappointment, Lady. Get over yourself! I thought the air in the Springs was a little fresher, now I know why! GOOD RIDDANCE!

But I am important Patricia. I'm so important that you felt the need to get upset and write to me. I matter in your world. I'm so special, even to you. And you can't stand it.

From Steve: HAIL HAIL THE WITCH IS DEAD!!!! how you think you are a writer i have never been able to figure out you are a bitter hateful person a feminnazi of sorts and frankly my dear a major bitch i feel bad for your husband who i picture as Miles the tv show Fraiser now go angry liberal and spread your manure elseware!!!! GOOD DAY I SAID GOOD DAY!!!

Girlfriend is off his meds.

I SAID GOOD people crack me up.


At 7/12/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Femminazi? This guy knows Rush is a drug addict, right?

At 7/12/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Gosh, given Steve's extensive duties on the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, I'm not sure how he had time to write such a well-thought-out, sensitively-worded and thoroughly proofread email.

Still, I have to think C.S.'s policy of hiring 10-year-olds to serve on their CoC is visionary...or possibly insane. Either way, I want to go there now and do a sort of "Catherine Durkin Robinson Lived Here" tour.


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