Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden Our Time

Until real change comes along.

Any supporter who fell for a "skinny black kid with a funny name" at the 2004 convention has got to be disappointed. A campaign that started out one way has turned into something quite different.

If you aren't annoyed or outraged, you simply aren't paying attention. Or you're so blinded by love, you can't see straight.

Barack Obama is taking almost the same amount of money from special interests as John McCain. These interests do not throw money away. They expect a return on their investment the day after Barack Obama is sworn in.

And to hell with the rest of us.

I'm against group prayer - because it doesn't do a damn bit of good. Lovely sentiment and go Joan Baez, but why don't you all try praying for the people to get it together and work toward change?

Putting all our faith in a politician is foolish. He won't remember us. Unless we demand it.

Praying isn't bad when you get up afterwards and do something. It's far too easy to mumble a few heartfelt words to a far-away God and then wipe our hands of any follow-up.

There are only a few things you can do on your knees that are worthwhile and praying isn't one of them.

An Obama/Biden ticket is better than what the Republicans are offering. But not by much. And I'm not going to pretend otherwise.


At 8/23/2008, Blogger capemh said...

Another friggin Medicare-ready white male Senator...

Why didn't Obama think that there was a reason Biden got so few votes in the primaries? Like, we wanted anyone else...


Still will vote for them, but not happy about it...

At 8/23/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

I'm surprised that you're suprised. BO couldn't win with only "your" vote. There isn't enough of "you" out there. What surprises me is that he didn't pick the Hill(baggage and all) if he really wanted to win.

At 8/24/2008, Blogger Unknown said...

A hopeful Hilary post followed by a post where you're obviously disappointed in the Biden selection. How could you not be? Biden is an excellent choice: intelligent, speaks his mind, experienced, strengthens Pennsylvania and Ohio, and a blue collar Catholic.

Obama can stay clean and allow Biden to attack McCain, which he most certainly will. Talk to John Kerry about not attacking the Republican (Rove) machine.

Yeah, you wanted Clinton or Sebelius but Biden makes Obama more electable and you can't affect change from Illinois, sorry.

Want to be the first to post this on your site:

'Hey, did you hear they're renaming Tampa's Kennedy Blvd. in honor of Joe Biden to Kennedy Blvd.?' Thank you very much. I'll be here all the week.

At 8/24/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

I'm disappointed in Obama, too, Kate, but not surprised. That's politics, Kate. It's all about compromise. 'Course, Bush didn't compromise that much, and I think we were worse off for it. He rewarded his buddies, crammed through votes without regard to the other side of the aisle, and basically divided the country. I guess it would have been nice to have "our" son-of-a-bitches in power, but concensus isn't all bad. And you can't win without special interests. Steven Forbes and Ross Perot tried to do it, and with all their money, they couldn't.

And as to prayer? You know I'm very cynical about organized religion and more so about the people that run religions, but I think prayer- both corporate and individual- does some good. I'm not sure how or why, but there have been times in my life where I felt certain that a God that actually cares about me answered my prayers. Sometimes the answer was even what I asked for. Sometimes I only recognized later that something had come to me that I'd asked for. I know that, if nothing else, every moment I spend asking for intercession for someone else is, at least, a moment that I've thought about someone else. Remember, too, that sometimes- usually- the answer is to send another human. When God's people in Egypt prayed for deliverance, God sent them Moses: not the answer they probably wanted or expected, but an answer (and, yeah, I don't believe that God dictated the Bible, but there's still a lot of wisdom in it (the understanding human part of it, just not the "religion" part of it).

At 8/24/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

Biden is an excellent choice: intelligent, speaks his mind, experienced, strengthens Pennsylvania and Ohio, and a blue collar Catholic.

And totally supported the Iraq War.

“The threat [Saddam Hussein] presented was that, if Saddam was left unfettered, which I said during that period, for the next five years with sanctions lifted and billions of dollars into his coffers, then I believed he had the ability to acquire a tactical nuclear weapon — not by building it, by purchasing it. I also believed he was a threat in that he was — every single solitary U.N. resolution which he agreed to abide by, which was the equivalent of a peace agreement at the United Nations, after he got out of — after we kicked him out of Kuwait, he was violating. Now, the rules of the road either mean something or they don’t. The international community says “We’re going to enforce the sanctions we placed” or not. And what was the international community doing? The international community was weakening. They were pulling away.”

Joe Biden on Meet the Press in 2007.

Sounds awfully close to McCain. How does BO square that circle?

At 8/24/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

For more great (or not so great, your mileage may vary) Biden quotes, see here.


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