Democrats Acting Like Republicans
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in south Florida, is refusing to campaign on behalf of Democrats running against incumbent Republicans. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's Red to Blue program, of which she is co-chair, is supposed to work to defeat incumbent Republicans throughout the country. It's supposed to be an essential component in the effort to expand the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives.
But how can we elect more Democrats in Florida if one of the safest Democrats in the state doesn't think she should campaign for them? She compliments Republican elected officials and throws her fellow Democrats under the bus.
Lovely example, Ms. Frizz.
Then there's this.
Obama's absence on oil speculation was eerily reminiscent of his previous decision to change his mind about giving retroactive immunity to telecom companies for spying on Americans. Obama withdrew his pledge to filibuster the immunity bill right around the time the Democrats announced that AT&T would be sponsoring the Democratic convention. So no filibuster on retroactive immunity from the top Democrat — but conventiongoers in Denver will get tote bags emblazoned with the AT&T logo. So that's something.
Take a look at both campaigns and their views on gas prices, global warming, and other important issues. Can you tell the difference between them? Try. I dare you.
I'm almost literally sick over our presidential choices this year. I want to vote for Obama mostly because he seems more likely to get us out of Iraq sooner, but I can hardly work myself into a super frenzy over him. Ye gods, but the system is broken - and scarily so.
The only place I feel I can really make a difference as a voter is in local and (to a much lesser extent) state elections.
I miss Perot. Sure, the guy was completely out of his mind, but he made people look at issues for a change, and the guy had actual opinions that could be scrutinized.
On an unrelated and completely self-serving note...I'm ba-aaaaaaaack.
Queue The Who
I have to say that if she won't speak ill about the Republican incumbents and won't campaign for the democrats...
She's actually acting like a former Democrat. Joe Lieberman anyone?
What's the point in getting out of Iraq sooner. We've won. We'll be getting out anyway.
And you're right, Kate. After the Iraq non-issue, there isn't much difference between the two candidates. Both are pandering politicians who want power.
Barr '08!
You sound disappointed.
We now have a somewhat stable democratic Iraqi state, with al Qaeda defeated, reduced to using women for suicide bombers, and al Sadr giving up the fight.
Would you have preferred genocide?
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