
Okay, so here I am nauseated by McCain's ads against Obama. They are overwhelmingly negative. They insult Obama, but they also insult everyone who watches them.
In direct contrast, Obama's ads are positive and talk about what he can do for our country. He insults no one.
Then I watch with a mixture of pride and respect when Obama takes a heckler's question at a local town hall and answers it so thoughtfully. The people who ran this event allowed people who were going to challenge their candidate to come in and have a seat. I'm thinking this man will return dignity to the Oval Office. Take a look.
You can tell the exchange wasn't staged or rehearsed ahead of time. There is something refreshingly honest and real about the way they talked to each other. How nice to not hold my breath when a national leader speaks.
I knew he wouldn't embarrass me. How long has it been since we could say that?
Then my temporary high came crashing to the ground.
Is this what we can expect from an Obama presidency?
I can't help but wonder if the good outweighs the bad. But I don't have an answer.
h/t Elizabeth
Recently, the NYT's had a story about Obama and the perceptions of him when he was teaching at UofC in Chicago.
The main consensus seemed to be that he was great at talking about issues, "stuff", but never really committed to any particular one. He would address it but never hooked into anything. It went on to say that he was, at that time, also working in a law firm as well as working on his political career.
Something about that rang through to me... that he's a great orator but what, really, has he done? Which, for me, begs the (now) bigger question of, "What will he actually do?"
A quote from the article:
“I don’t think anything that went on in these chambers affected him,” said Richard Epstein, a libertarian colleague who says he longed for Mr. Obama to venture beyond his ideological and topical comfort zones. “His entire life, as best I can tell, is one in which he’s always been a thoughtful listener and questioner, but he’s never stepped up to the plate and taken full swings.”
When I read of him flip/flopping, this is exactly what I think of...
I won't vote for McCain but Obama still concerns me. I really hate it when elections become "The better of two evils."
Just sayin'...
This really concerns me also Kate. I am against any off shore drilling. There are other forms of energy we can be using. Solar, wind, I even think nuclear would be better than oil.
I saw him for a brief moment today on CNN. It stated at the top of the screen it was "live". He was stumbling through his words and was not his normal, well spoken self. I will still support him, however I am concerned about his new postion on drilling. I really hope he re-thinks it through and changes his mind. Even if we do drill off shore, it would be years before we would see any relief. And personally, I don't think it would change a thing. The oil companies would just use the cost of drilling, refining as a reason to keep gas prices high.
I don't see why we can't start mass producing solar panels and give tax breaks to people who convert their homes to solar. It would create thousands of jobs, and its a clean form of energy. I think the only reason we as a country has not done this is that no one can make money off of the sun. It belongs to everyone and it's free.
I think the only reason we as a country has not done this is that no one can make money off of the sun. It belongs to everyone and it's free.
Why didn't I think of that. Free energy is great!
That free energy also comes with a new web of power lines and transmition infrastructure, as long as you don't mind more high-power lines and giant concrete poles through your 'hood ...
And having fished off the rigs along Lousiana's coast, I can say the fishing was great, I saw no oil spillage ... ate the fish I caught there.
Just sayin' the way the world is growing and we keep tapping our computers, driving from suburban Tampa homes to work, etc, there is going to be a need for all kinds of energy, solar, wind, nuke, coal and oil ... why should Florida be able to deny the rest of the country of oil reserves off its coast? Someone said we can only drill off the coast of La., Texas and Miss.?
Everyone's got to give something. Colorado is drilling for nat. gas in the Rockies, Nevada and SC are the storehouses for nuke waste ... we can all pitch in, or we can agree to turn off our computers and stop driving, no free rides.
"That free energy also comes with a new web of power lines and transmition infrastructure, as long as you don't mind more high-power lines and giant concrete poles through your 'hood ..."
Wrong chase.
This is thinking of solar power in the traditional power-distribution infrastructure. Power-from-plant/power-to-house.
Solar power requires a decentralization of the power infrastructure. Instead of power coming from a plant, it comes from you roof top, from neighbors roof tops, from businesses rooftops. An evenly distributed power network. We're so tied to traditions it's ridiculous.
Except the Colorado legislature last year approved a ton of dough to build new power lines to get the power from wind and solar efforts in the remote areas of the state where it's generated ... so that's a real-world example of what's being done now ...
Chase, I don't see why we can't power our own homes, buildings. We have a roof, sitting in the hot sun all day long....it's useless other than providing shelter. Why not use it to power the building it protects, whether it be a home or an office building. There is no need for wires, poles etc..everyone powers their own building/home. It's just too easy. :) and while we are at it..our cars sit out in the hot sun all day in parking lots (if you don't park in covered parking), why not have a solar panel on the roof our of cars?
Free solar panels for everyone (and free installation too)!
Personally, I'm using hampsters on treadmills to generate energy.
But how much are you paying them? And are you providing hamster health insurance?
Are the hamsters legal? Do they have all their paperwork? green card?
I only use American hampsters (and I employ fewer than four, so as to avoid worker's comp and other potentially mandated benefits). And I always make sure they go on their paperwork (though it's more yellow than green).
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