Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Good First Date

I took myself out last night. I didn't send emails asking anyone to come along and I didn't call my friends to invite them out with me. I put on brown Banana Republic pants, a bright blue Ann Taylor blouse, did my hair and took off.

I was going to hit The Grass Root, Tampa's only vegan restaurant, but decided against it.

This would prove to be a major mistake. I figured that since I'd had a huge lunch at Jasmine Thai with my boys, I didn't need another big meal a few hours later.

Poor, poor Katie.

Anyway, I drove downtown and hit Maestro's armed with nothing but my charming personality and the latest David Sedaris book. I ordered a cosmopolitan and soaked up the atmosphere. Maestro's is upstairs in the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center and filled with theatregoers. Most of my fellow drinkers and diners were going to see Mama Mia.

I knew this because they talked to me. They were much older and couldn't understand why a nice young woman with all her own teeth was out on a Saturday night by herself. I met Phil, whose son works at Maestro's. He likes the food, but thinks the drinks are too weak. Mary Ann was enjoying a glass of Merlot before meeting her friends downstairs. Tony and Alice loved the theatre experience, even if it was "in Tampa."

Mary Ann was a hoot. She's a sharp dressing sixty-five year old from New Jersey and her beloved husband died last year. They had been having dinner when he said, "Call 911, I'm having a heart attack." Then he fell over and died. She misses him very much, but believes the best way to get through life is to focus on the positive.

"Believe it or not," she said, "there is a positive side to this, too." Then she whispered, "I can fart in bed whenever I want."

She said she misses him and "the sex" but otherwise doesn't mind being on her own. I'm in touch with that emotion.

A life affirmer, that's what Mary Ann is. I enjoyed our conversation so much, I ordered three more cosmopolitans.

That's right. Bringing the total to four. On an empty stomach.

Poor, poor Katie.

Tony was right, the drinks were weak. Thank God or I wouldn't have been able to get up and attend the play downstairs. At David Jenkins' urging, I saw Embedded. I recognized a few faces from other Jobsite productions, but David was nowhere to be found.

He didn't even come over and say hello. At least I don't think he did. I probably would've remembered something like that.

The play was great, even though it kinda stomped on my buzz what with all the talk of death and destruction. I liked it a lot. I know I liked it because I remember standing up and clapping afterward.

I really wasn't that tipsy by the end of the production. I had a great night. I just wish I'd left my cell phone in the car. I brought it with me because I was awaiting important family news, but when you're going solo, a celly makes it way too easy to depend on others instead of standing on your own. But I only felt sad once when I noticed couples everywhere and realized I was the only one alone.


Except for that one fleeting moment of self-pity, I had a great evening. Staying home and feeling sorry for yourself is way too easy these days with cable, computers, chat rooms, and free porn downloads. I'm glad I had a night out with the hottest date in town.

I just should have eaten something and gone easy on the drinky.

Oh well. Story of my life.


At 8/24/2008, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

Well, Katie, at least you didn't go out and get forced into the role of the wallflower. That's sort of another reason why I'm not out much. The hearing shit.

Anyway, Sounds like you had a blast (well, you SAID you did, I should take you at your word!)

At 8/24/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Kate, as usual, this post and your attitude on life and how you're going to live it are made completely and utterly of awesome.

At 8/24/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

I did the solo date thing myself last night. I'd've rather been with someone, but I had a great time anyway. And the drinking thing? Yeah, well... I have a strict three drink rule, but I'm hear to tell ya that three triple Scotches can do some damage. I was lucky this time. Waking up with a hangover is bad. Waking up with a hangover in jail? That's gotta suck.

At 8/24/2008, Blogger superdave524 said..., "here" to tell you (lot's of times I'll intenshunally missspell a word, but I dint that thyme).

At 8/25/2008, Blogger kate said...

I dunno, JPF, do we ever really get forced into anything? My Nana used to say you make your own good time. And except for that one five second count Sat. night, I did.

Thanks QJ.

Triple scotches, SD? tummy would hurt for days after that...

At 8/25/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

I was hurtin' on Sunday. Feel okay today. I may have to refine my three drink rule a bit.

At 8/26/2008, Blogger David M. Jenkins said...

Sorry I missed you, Kate! I wasn't actually at the show Saturday night. I had a last minute offer to go sit in the Trib's luxury suite at RayJay - a first for me, so I went.

I'm really glad you saw the show though, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it. If I had been there and seen you, I would have certainly talked to you.


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