Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jews for Jesus Make Me Laugh

Because really, they are so very very silly. As are all deeply religious folks. Silly to the core.

I don't mean to sound dismissive. I'm living with a mother I adore who is deeply religious and keeps holy water in the house. But I still think it's silly.

SIDE NOTE: I'm glad my rabbit died because I couldn't possibly enjoy it here. Not with Jesus staring down at me from every room in the house. I mean, I have a car out front. But that would be weird. Even for me.

At any rate, while I think seekers as a whole are admirable, the ones who stopped looking because they're convinced they've found "It" are sorta kinda scary. And I want nothing to do with them or their holy roller ways.

Here's a conversation we've been having over at John's site.

An excerpt:

Me - Christians focus on belief. Jews focus on behavior. Christians focus on prayer. Jews focus on study. It’s simply a question of emphasis. We (Jewish people) are called to action. Catholicism is the only denomination of Christianity that says behavior is a *part* of the path toward salvation. The rest say your belief will save you. That was part of the Protestant Reformation after all. (And Martin Luther HATED the Jews.)

So let’s call Jews for Jesus or Messianic Judaism what it is - evangelical Christianity. Anything else is insulting.

And as a side note, it’s not hard to wonder why people flocked to something that requires no action in order to be saved. (It might encourage but does not require. You still get to “heaven” without doing a thing.)

I suppose we can ignore how ridiculous it all is.

Richard the Holy Hearted - Christian faith is not easy beliefism. It is a faith that demands action - but out of love of God, not out of duty. It is a faith of action in response to God’s grace, not as a way to God’s grace. By our own actions we will never attain to God. It is God who has come to bring us to Him - He is the only one with the power to fix the severed relationship we as human being have with him because of our rebeliousness.

And yes, I am an evangelical Christian. But that does not make me any less Jewish. If Y’shua is the Messiah of Israel (as I obviously believe he is) then faith in him is the biblical Jewish faith.
You don’t have to believe me. It is all in the Scriptures

SuperDave: Things evolve, Kate. At bottom every religion is ridulous. I know that the theological meaning of “works” is observing rules (maybe dietary laws for Jews, maybe going to mass for Christian Catholics) You want salvation by works? Have you really tried to live Leviticus and Numbers? Really? When is the last time you sacrificed a goat? Do you stone adulterers to death? You’re supposed to, you know. To the extent you’re talking about helping other people as “works” Jesus clearly called on us to do that. You know, “whoever fed, clothed, visited in jail the least of my people did it for me. Whoever failed to do it for the least of my people rejected me”).

Tell you what, Kate: If you’ll read What Jesus Meant, I’ll read any book you want. Not to convince, but to understand. I think Judaism is an excellent “fit” for you. You’d make a lousy Baptist (so would I, for that matter). It’s just that anytime I hear an intelligent, caring person say, “That’s that”, I think we’re all diminished a little.

I responded to Dave and Richard. I may not get to use my rabbit, but at least my brain stays stimulated. That's gotta count for something.



At 8/16/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

I don't get the rabbit thing. How do (did) you use your rabbit? My condolences?

(and thanks for teh link)

At 8/16/2008, Blogger kate said...

And here I thought everyone was familiar with this little gift to women everywhere.

My bad.

At 8/16/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

Got it. I've never experienced that area live and in person (maybe I need to get out more). My condolences.

And I'm happy that no bunnehs died unexpectedly. Jesus loves teh bunnehs.

At 8/17/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Wait. You're pregnant?

At 8/17/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

(and, for what it's worth, you make us all think a little. God's gotta like that, huh?).


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