Friday, August 15, 2008

Life is Too Short

I've said it before and I'll say it again: In the time I have left on this earth, whether it's thirty-eight minutes or another thirty-eight years, I will not waste another second with people who don't love or support me.

Why would anyone?

I tell friends and family members to shun those who consistently hate on them. "Screw 'em," I say. My friend Joe worries that such a mantra takes the color or flavor out of life. Not really.

Don't disown people who argue or debate. If someone is challenging, but possesses a wicked kind heart - cherish them. There is a huge difference between those who disagree with your ideas and those who dislike *you*, people who get mad and people who hate.

What if you've been kicked to the curb? What if you are the one who never realized what a gem you had until it was too late? Here's how not to handle it. Don't:

- threaten.

- insult.

- ignore.

- avoid.

- come over for a visit with a neurotic dog that you've been asked to keep at home.

- make excuses.

Not if you ever want to get back in. Instead you should:

- apologize.

- compliment.

- make amends.

- do the right thing.

Then wait for hell to freeze over or a heart to mend - whichever happens first.


At 8/15/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

Words to live by.

At 8/15/2008, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

Truth and Truisms. I think we both know, Kate, I have people this applies to but I'll let that dead horse lie.


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