Friday, August 29, 2008

"Who's the progressive party now?"

That's what I heard when Sarah Palin was chosen as John McCain's running mate.

Smart move, Old Man.


At 8/29/2008, Blogger Benjamin J. Kirby said...

Please tell me you're kidding, Kate.

At 8/29/2008, Blogger kate said...

Come on, Kirb, you know she's a good choice.

I'm not going to vote for them. But I've thought she was impressive for quite some time and she will appeal to those Hillary supporters who are still pissed.

Traditional neocons have GOT to be annoyed. And that's always fun, too.

At 8/29/2008, Blogger Benjamin J. Kirby said...

Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by "good" choice. If you're a far-right neo-con anti-choice creationist loyal to Karl Rove and find the whole "coruption" thing kind of hot, then yes, she's a good choice.

Here's why she is a bad choice for McCain: she takes the Obama-is-inexperienced thing off the table. That was their bread and butter. Two years as governor (with her own Troopergate scandal to go with it) and a few years as mayor of a town of 8,000 people... and that's it. She brings a state which has a GOP machine falling down around scandal (Ted Stevens, Don Young). Alaska itself brings nothing to the table: little in the way of urban conglomerations or agricultural issues.

I have yet to see evidence of masses of women angered by Hillary's loss in the primary who will now suddenly embrace a McCain/Palin ticket by sole virtue of the fact that Palin is a woman. Actually, I have yet to see evidence of masses of women angered by Hillary's loss, period.

Obama has been leading McCain with women in every poll I've seen -- by as much as 20-plus points in some. Will Palin change that metric? Sure, maybe, okay. But I'd be so bold as to say only marginally, if at all.

I know that you're down on Obama/Biden right now, Kate, and maybe even politics generally. I respect that -- believe me, I really do. But I'll need a whole lot of convincing before I call McCain/Palin the progressives in this race.

Not incidentally, did you catch Obama's speech last night? Just askin'...

At 8/29/2008, Blogger kate said...

I'm not so sure those neocons will like her too much. Which is why this might be fun to watch. But they'll vote for McCain no matter what. This might very well sway voters who are undecided. She's impressive to a lot of people and that's why I think it's a smart move.

And that progressive comment was made *to* me from someone else. I hope you're right about the women not being angry or using this to vote for McCain. I worry about it though...

I didn't see Obama's speech last night so I've been catching up today. My problem with him? He rose on a platform of change and it turns out he's no different from any other politician. Disappointing, to say the least.

No idea who to vote for...not yet anyway.

At 8/29/2008, Blogger Benjamin J. Kirby said...

Kate, I truly and sincerely wish you good luck as you decide who to vote for. I do hope you'll consider Obama (not my first choice, either, for the record).

Check out the speech when you can -- and take a look at what some of the early buzz is on Palin. Not good (for McCain/Palin).

At 8/29/2008, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

She's a good choice for political tourists and the shallow. She's anti-choice, she's anti-science, she's very much a Republican standard bearer.

She has the potential to counter the celebrity like appeal of Obama but she's much more "Saturday Night Live" than a new sensation. Saturday Night Live? Yeah, a "not ready for Prime Time player"

I mean, shit, a year and a half as governor of one fo the least populated states in the country? THAT is inexperience.

At 8/29/2008, Blogger Not a Granny said...

Are we sure this isn't just a joke put out to show that McCain has a sense of humour?

I was truly waiting to see who each party chose as VP before deciding who to vote for. I'm not real thrilled with any of our choices.

Unfortunately, I am very afraid that no matter which nominee is elected, the VP will be forced to step up and run the country.

With this choice I am even more confused as to who to vote for.

At 8/29/2008, Blogger tiny... said...

Seriously Kate?

At 8/29/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Palin?. What's not to like?

At 8/29/2008, Blogger tiny... said...

At 8/29/2008, Blogger kate said...

Political tourists? You just described most voters. I don't have to agree with someone to find them likeable and I think she will appeal to a great many people. I also think that she'll appeal to people who want change because she's a very different sort of Republican from Alaska. More populist than anything.

The only good thing it gives the Obama crowd is erasing the inexperienced argument for good. McCain can't use that one anymore.

I tell you what though, I'm glad he didn't pick from the same old boy network. Does this mean Charlie won't get married now?

At 8/29/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd tap that, BOOYA!

At 8/29/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

It's a risky choice for McCain (she might fall flat on her face) but if she works out, it will be the smartest move McCain could make. She seems like one smart cookie. We'll see.

I don't have to agree with someone to find them likeable

Kinda why I come here.

Re: experience. She's the only candidate from both tickets who actually has executive experience. Running a government (any government) is big job that takes a certain talent that everyday lawmakers may or may not possess. I credit the success of Bill Clinton to his executive experience.

At 8/29/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

So, given that she's been christened a VPILF, does that mean McCain is hoping for the much appreciated, but fairly rare in politics, "titty bounce"?

With this choice, WALNUTS! has ensured that the next couple of months are going to be pure comedy gold. I just can't wait for Larry Birkhead to sue the shit out of both of them for stealing Anna Nicole's life story before he could.

At 8/30/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear a lot of people saying they are undecided. I don't understand that. I don't understand how you someone can be undecided. McCain and Obama are total opposites. Unless you are directly in the middle of right or are either more left or more right.
And I don't understand Hillary supporters saying they won't vote for Obama and vote for McCain. Why vote with a party that is totally against everything you believe in, just because your first choice didn't make it? My beliefs are strong and whether it was Hillary or Barack, I will stick with my party. JMHO.

At 8/30/2008, Blogger kate said...

My choice isn't between McCain and Obama, it's between Obama and..I don't know. Nader? A write-in candidate?

I'm just wondering how much longer I can continue to vote for a party that allows the war to continue by funding it without a timetable, voted for a bankruptcy bill that makes it harder for middle-class folks, granted immunity to telecom companies, refuses to address universal health care in any meaningful fashion, and seems more concerned about holding on to power than anything else? How long can I continue to back them before my soul shrivels up and dies?

Just wonderin'.

At 8/30/2008, Blogger Pete Nice said...

Kate, I fail to believe that come Nov 4, your vote will not be for BO.

At 9/02/2008, Blogger Karlo said...

One things for sure. This is not the year for political insiders. I guess McCain had to find a Republican who'd just stepped into politics to get someone unbesmirched by the Shrubian grime of the last 8 years.


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