The Boobie Brigade Has Their Orders
I do believe that our favorite MILF from Alaska is doing herself in quickly with little or no help from anyone else.
However, the Democratic nominee is taking no chances.
Obama is sending his strongest female soldiers throughout the country, hoping to counter the whole Palin issue. If you're a national figure in the Party and happen to have a uterus, get out there and hustle votes, b*tch!
And so Hillary is coming to Tampa.
For the record, I find this move just as cynical and pandering as Palin's nomination.
I don't find it so cynical. This had to be done even if John McCain nominated another old white dude as his VP.
The difference now is that it's not just about party unity anymore.
What's wrong with Panders?
The difference being that instead of sending out these political figures to further elaborate on Obama's policies, stances and platform, it's exactly as Kate said. They're the Boobie Brigade and their experience and wisdom and vision as politicians has now been framed in terms of their sexuality. Our Democracy just became a 10th grade chick-fight and both sides are responsible for reducing it to this level. Just because someone plays the gender card doesn't mean everyone else at the table has to ante up.
The ironic thing is that both of these camps are worrying the "Change" meme like dogs fighting over a bone yet neither of them has now shown themselves capable of being anything other than the same old thing.
It's the same old thing indeed. I have more faith in the people who are getting involved in record numbers than any of the candidates.
And I hope when these new political activists don't get the results they and we deserve, I hope they fight like hell.
We really are the only ones who will provide the kind of change that's desperately needed.
So I guess the Blogger Brigade got orders to refer to Palin as a MILF/VPILF and to post that fake bikini photo?
I haven't read any posts here about Palin's hair yet. That's unusual, so I'm thinking that perhaps I've overlooked a post by accident. ?
I'm not a Palin supporter, BTW. I'm just a long-time reader who is disappointed by the increase in stridency and derision in your blog posts over the past few months. Sigh.
Lisa, I appreciate your candor. I don't read many other Blogger sites so I wasn't aware of a trend. I'm so not a follower and thank you for bringing it to my attention.
I did look over some of my blog posts and I don't see anything different. Except maybe disappointment that I used to direct at Republicans is now directed at both political parties.
I'm still writing about my kids and I've even defended Sarah Palin on a few occasions.
So I'm not sure where the stridency and derision is new or heavier in recent months. But I'll keep your comments in the back of my mind. Don't want to piss *everyone* off.
At least I don't think I do.
Funny, I was at an event recently where another reader said I was getting too sappy lately.
I suppose this just proves that you can't please everyone. Double sigh.
Lisa C is incorrect. Once you converted the Comment section to not allow anonymous posts, the tone of your blog became a lot more serene.
Increase in stridency and derision? Posts about kids, going along to get along and political takes regarding candidates who continue to disappoint constitutes this increase?
Comeon. All blog posts can't be about movie reviews, Sweet Pea.
I suppose this just proves that you can't please everyone.
I find you pleasing, Kate, and I can count for anywhere from 10 to 15 people. Seriously, I've done the math.
Of course, with the running, boxing, fencing and Wii Fit yoga, that number may drop somewhat.
So don't worry about them. PLEASE ME! I demand your devotion, all of it, slavish! It's such a small thing to ask, really.
And again, for the record, I love the fact that you are honestly looking at the options and evaluating them fairly, not on the basis of party lines but on what the candidates are offering and those parties are actually producing. Well, I don't love it that you've bought a house on "Yeah. Right." Street in Cynicville, a town I also call home. But it is a gated community, and I find living in "Eyes Wide Open Acres" has advantages. It may change your tone, but only for the better.
Outside of Hillary Clinton in Tampa, who else is in this "Brigade" that has been sent out there to hustle votes, who wouldn't be out there stumping for Obama?
With the conventions over and those last "maybe something will happen and Hillary will get nominated" dead-enders, disappointed as they might be, are throwing in their lot with the nominee. Do you really think that, even if it was Romney and not Palin, that Hillary Clinton wouldn't be out on the trail stumping for Obama in Florida?
Of course, with the gender pander selection by McCain, the MSM is going to be all over women pols to see if there is some siphoning effect, but that says more about the media and not the Obama campaign.
I would suggest that if you "have a uterus" and you want to be the one to make the personal choices controlling it, you should get out there and hustle votes. You know that the Republicans don't want you to have those choices.
Kate, I know you are a bit disenchanted by Obama, that's only natural since he isn't you. I mean, come on, who else is going to agree with you 100%? I only agree with myself about 95% of the time (about the same that McCain has voted with Bush).
And that is the issue here. Think about all of the greed, corruption, violence, lawlessness and stripping of the constitution that has been perpetrated by the Bush administration and then look at the people around McCain. Do they look familiar? They do because they are the same.
Each of the Democratic candidates had their own problems, Clinton with the 1990's and Bill baggage (including the donors to his library who he wouldn't name), Edwards, whose rhetoric didn't match his record, etc. Obama isn't perfect, either. He's just the last one standing. The one thing all of the Dem candidates shared was that they weren't surrounded by Bush Administration employees.
That's what you have to remember while posting cynically like you did here. This is the choice we have, more Bush or Obama.
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