Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pick Yer Man

It's no secret who wound up as my chosen candidate.

Is anyone surprised?

Settle a bet - if you take the quiz and it points to a different candidate, if you are completely shocked by the outcome, let me know.

And no, Nader and Barr aren't options.

Or are they?


At 9/16/2008, Blogger capemh said...

It didn't point me away from Obama, but there didn't seem like there was a lot of space between them on some issues, especially immigration.

At 9/16/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Half and half here.

I could go both ways, baby!

At 9/16/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Mostly Obama (like 9 to 5), but McCain got a few, too, much to my surprise.

At 9/17/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

I picked Obama on both immigration quotes. But then I'm pro-immigration (McCain is pandering). The gay marriage quotes were nearly identical. Guess that takes that issue off the table (HA!).

And QJ deserves the award for the best bisexual cocksucker of the year.


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