Who is the Clarion Fund and What Are They Doing in my Mailbox?

Oh right. Dad's a registered Republican.
So this reactionary movie arrives - Obsession, Radical Islam's War Against the West - in the mail and I'm immediately suspicious. I ask around and hear Glenn Beck thinks it's one of the most important films of all time.
I almost throw it away when a friend tells me that people who can think and breathe with their mouths closed aren't just throwing this nonsense away.
They're writing "No thanks warmongers!" on the front and sticking it back in the mailbox.
Works for me.
Sadly, it's got nothing to do with your dad's affiliation. I got one as well, and I'm Non-Party Affiliated (tm). Litbrit mentioned something about them coming with newspapers like the St. Pete Times - I guess they felt that wasn't enough, so they carpetbombed mailboxes in the greater Tampa area as well.
Can you imagine how much money this must be costing this group to spread this crap?
It's not enough, apparently.
Obsession? Shoot, I remember that. Can't imagine why the Repressed-agains would be wanting to send it out, though.
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