You All Know What I Think About Jews for Jesus...
They're as bad, if not worse, than all the other "Fill in the blanks" for Jesus. But mostly worse because JfJ are disingenuous. And they might also be buddies with Sarah Palin.
The executive director of Jews for Jesus was a speaker at Palin's church. His name is David Brickner. He's a bit of a douche.
Brickner also described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity.
"Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. It's very real. When [Brickner's son] was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment — you can't miss it."
I wouldn't mind if he criticized Israeli *policies* and said destructive agendas were partly to blame for terrorism in general. But instead he went after our belief system as a whole.
Told you. A douche.
In addition to blaming Jews for terrorism, he also said that Jews who haven't embraced Christianity don't understand what it is they're rejecting.
I love it when people subscribe to an ideology so completely that they can only dismiss those who don't as "ignorant." Can't be any other way, right? Because if they did get it, they'd agree with you, David. Sure.
But you know those Bubbies in Boca are freakin' right about now.
"Do we go with the Muslim or the Shiksa?"
h/t Ben
I've been to Saudi Arabia. Aside from a few minor doctrinal differences, David and Sarah would get along there just fine. :)
AndyMan once declared he was a Frisbeterian. They believe when you die your soul gets stuck on the roof.
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